I would like to introduce you all to a newly created resource, Chant for Trebles. For a few years now the ladies in our women's schola at St. Mary Star of the Sea in Jackson, Michigan have asked about recordings they can use that feature chant sung in their own range, not one octave lower. Please, don't get me wrong! The sound of men chanting together is a glorious thing. But there are women and children who do much better with learning music sung in their own range. Thus, Chant for Trebles came to be.
This free resource features chants for the Sundays of the liturgical year based on the 1962 Roman Missal. The chants will be posted to the website at least one week before each Sunday/feast day and will feature a recording and corresponding video with the printed chant so schola members can follow along directly with the video. Our site also has a page for schola members to access PDFs of the chant as found on the Institute of Christ the King website.
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