A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly assist either at the recitation or solemn singing of
1) the Veni Creator, either on the first day of the year to implore divine assistance for the course of the whole year, or on the solemnity of Pentecost;
2) the Te Deum, on the final day of the year, to offer thanks to God for gifts received throughout the course of the entire year.
A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly assist either at the recitation or solemn singing...
26. Preces supplicationis et gratiarum actionis
§ 1 1° Publica recitatio hymni Veni, Creator
2° Publica recitatio hymni Te Deum
The English 'assist' seems to impy more than one person, my understanding of the Latin is that it conveys presence at an event rather than doing it oneself (though of course the reciter/chanter is benefiting). The Latin says 'in a church or oratory' which the USCCB has not mentioned.26. Preces supplicationis et gratiarum actionis
§ 1. Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi:
1° hymni Veni, Creator, vel prima anni die ad divinam opem pro totius anni decursu implorandam; vel in sollemnitate Pentecostes;
2° hymni Te Deum, ultima anni die, ad gratias Deo referendas pro beneficiis totius anni decursu acceptis.
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