Plenary Indulgence reminder
  • Just a reminder that on the last calendar day of the prior year (a bit late for that, sorry) and the first calendar day of the new year there is a plenary indulgence attached to the recitation of the Te Deum (former) and Veni Creator (latter) subject to the usual conditions.

    This year, I prepared two lists for my choir - the full list of indulgences from the 1968 issuance from the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary and a partial list of plenary and partial indulgences that either pertain to what we do as a choir (like singing Veni Creator following Mass today) or that are very easy - "low hanging fruit" as it were. In the full list - posted in the loft - I bolded the items that pertain to what we do in choir or are easy to obtain. I provided the short list to them as a handout.

    Should have shared this sooner... attached are both lists.

    Complete List of Indulgences.pdf
    Partial list of Indulgences.pdf
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • It appears that public recitation is required to gain the plenary indulgence for the Te Deum, but private recitation suffices for the Veni Creator. Am I reading that correctly, or does anybody know otherwise?
  • It certainly specifies public recitation for the Te Deum. I agree, that's how I read it... although it seems strange that that distinction would be made.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    The Manual of Indulgences has been updated since 1968. The current English version (2006) is based on the fourth Latin version (1999). Here's the relevant passage (p. 93-94):

    A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly assist either at the recitation or solemn singing of
    1) the Veni Creator, either on the first day of the year to implore divine assistance for the course of the whole year, or on the solemnity of Pentecost;
    2) the Te Deum, on the final day of the year, to offer thanks to God for gifts received throughout the course of the entire year.

    So it appears that the two prayers are treated in the same way.

    As a procedural note: according to n. 22 of the general Norms for Indulgences, "an indulgence attached to a prayer can be acquired by reciting the prayer in any language, provided that the translation is approved by the competent ecclesiastical authority." It would seem, therefore, that metrical hymns based on the Te Deum or the Veni Creator may not be substituted for the prayers, unless they have been approved by the competent authority.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,804
    We sang the Te Deum at 11.30pm during Benediction, our Manual has the following,
    Our Priest recited the V and R and the Prayer.

    For the Veni Creator we sand this after our Midnight Mass and our 12.30pm Mass we also had the V&R and the Prayer as found here,

    Interestingly the Graduale Romanum 1924 has both Latin Versions of the Veni Creator, so you can do either. We usually use the original, but seeing the packed church, and that the hymn book and Benediction book has the (de) reformed version we sang that instead.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • OlivierOlivier
    Posts: 58
    chonak wrote:
    A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly assist either at the recitation or solemn singing...

    My older edition says "public recitation," which I was once told (by whom?) meant audible recitation in a public place, even if by one person with no others present.

    Q1. Was that correct?

    Q2. Is it still correct?
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,500
    The index says public recitation :
    26. Preces supplicationis et gratiarum actionis
    § 1 1° Publica recitatio hymni Veni, Creator
    2° Publica recitatio hymni Te Deum

    But the grant text does not repeat that :
    26. Preces supplicationis et gratiarum actionis
    § 1. Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi:
    1° hymni Veni, Creator, vel prima anni die ad divinam opem pro totius anni decursu implorandam; vel in sollemnitate Pentecostes;
    2° hymni Te Deum, ultima anni die, ad gratias Deo referendas pro beneficiis totius anni decursu acceptis.
    The English 'assist' seems to impy more than one person, my understanding of the Latin is that it conveys presence at an event rather than doing it oneself (though of course the reciter/chanter is benefiting). The Latin says 'in a church or oratory' which the USCCB has not mentioned.
    The Enchiridion is available here.
    Thanked by 1chonak
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    The grant text says "solemn", which I think implies a public act.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,500
    Of course you can get a partial indulgence by private recitation of one of these two prayers, or one of several others :- at the beginning of the day, on starting work, before a meal, after a meal, on ending work, AND at the end of the day, any day, on each occasion.