name: Baptism of the Lord (Optional);
user-notes: by Mark Bauman;
commentary: Psalm 104;
<sp>R/</sp>.() () O(d) bless(d) the(e) Lord,(f) my(g) soul,(f)
O(e) bless(d) the(c) Lord.(d.) (::) (e+Z)
1.() O(e) Lord,(fe) my(f) God,(g_) you(f) are(f) great(e) in(c)deed!(d.) (:)
You(f) are(g) clothed(h) with(j) maj(i)es(g)ty(h) and(f) glo(e)ry,(d_) (;) (f+z)
robed(f) in(g) light(h) as(j) with(i) a(g) cloak.(h.) (:)
You(g) have(h) spread(g) out(f) the(e) heav(f)ens(e) like(d) a(c) tent-(c)cloth.(d.) (::)
<sp>R/</sp>.(d+) (Z)
2.() Y{ou}(e) have(f) con(e)struc(f)ted(g) your(g) pal(f)ace(e) up(d)on(e) the(c) wat(c)ers.(d.) (:)
You(f) make(g) the(h) clouds(h) your(g) (f+z) char(f)i(e)ot;(d_) (;)
you(f) trav(g)el(h) on(j) the(i) wings(h) of(i) the(g) wind.(h.) (:)
You(g) make(g) the(h) winds(h) your(g) mes(f)sen(e)gers,(d_) (;) (e+z)
and(e) fla(f)ming(g) fire(fe) your(d) min(c)is(d)ters.(d.) (::)
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