• I am mentioning several perhaps under used hymns from The Hymnal 1982. All have exquisite satb harmonizations. For a short communion anthem, motet, or hymn, "When Jesus died to save us" by David Hurd (#314) is superb. For a Christmas anthem or lessons and carols service, Hurd's harmonization of "While shepherds watched" (#95) works well alternating solo verses and full choir verses and a string quartet as accompaniment. (Using it this year on Christmas eve during prelude.) Finally, Gerald Near's "Jesus came adored by angels" (#454). Very useful at many times. It was our communion hymn this morning.
  • Though it will always suffer from not having bettered the 1940, even for having omitted things from the 1940 that it shouldn't have, the 1982 yet has a number of hymns that, as Cesar says, are useful as anthems, or for congregational singing. One of my favourites, which I first heard as an anthem from King's, is no. 219, 'The Lord Asecendeth up on High', paired with Praetorius' regal tune, Ach Herr, du allerhochster Gott. Sung at a stately tempo it has much gravitas and works well as an anthem or for the congregation. It is notable that the 1982 has quite a few Ascension hymns. Most Catholic hymnals have a piteous two or three lackluster hymns for this great solemnity.

    (I think it is wonderful that cesarfranck has deigned to participate on our forum. He should know that I love playing his chorales, though I think that his Grand Piece Heroique is so much hot air.)
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    I like C Wesley's Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies. Iirc there are 2 tune pairings in the 1982.
  • I'm not (generally) a fan of the Hymnal 1982. That said, however, I have a soft spot in my heart for the new tune to In the Cross of Christ I glory, which is called Tompter.
  • The 1982 has a couple of my favorite hymns - 458, My song is Love unknown, tune by John Ireland, and 665, All my hope on God is founded, hymn tune MICHAEL by Herbert Howells.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    Es flog ein kleins Waldvögelein (76. 76. D iambic) is a lovely tune in the 1982, used twice, for no. 48, "O day of radiant gladness", and no. 616, "Hail to the Lord's annointed" ... in slightly different harmonizations, both quite nice.