Feast of All Saints, 11/1/18
  • What are your plans?

    As for us... EF High Mass 7:00PM, St. Lawrence/Mater Dei, Harrisburg, PA

    I'll be directing the Mater Dei Choristers for our Sung Mass this evening. There are about 45 of them, ages 6-18, split into three grade levels (each has a 45 minute class on Friday mornings), plus an "Acolyte Schola." All of them sing the ordinary and the hymns. The older 2 grade levels will sing the Vespers hymn "Placare Christe Servulis" at Offertory. The eldest class of young ladies (13-18) will sing Perosi's Ave Verum at Communion (I'll cover the baritone), and the older boys whose voices have changed will chant all of the propers.

    Prelude: Variations on German's Festive Trumpet Tune leading into an improvisation on mode 1 introit "Gaudeamus"
    Procession: Faith of Our Fathers
    Propers: Full, chanted by the "Acolyte Schola," boys ages 13-18
    Kyriale: II
    Credo: III
    Offertory: Placare Christe Servulis (hymn from II Vespers of All Saints)
    Communion: Ave Verum (SB, Lorenzo Perosi)
    Recessional: For All the Saints
    Postlude: Toccata from Symphony 5, Widor (I try to use this sparingly, for obvious reasons, but the kids just love it, so why not)
  • Missa Cantata @ 7:00 PM, Sacred Heart, Cincinnati, OH

    • Litany of the Saints
    • Organ Prelude for processional

    • Mass III, Ad Lib Kyrie 2, Credo II
    • Full Propers
    • OFFT: Christus Vincit (Acclamations)
    • COMM 1: Confirma Hoc (Handl)
    • Not enough communicants... --COMM 2: Sitivit (Palestrina)--
    • Not enough communicants... --COMM 3: Magnificat 1D (faux bourdon Besnier)--
    • COMM 4: Ave Virgo Serena (Chant sequence)
    • COMM 5: Ave Maria (Cottone)

    • From All Thy Saints in Warfare
    • Organ Postlude

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    Missa Cantata 12.30pm St Bedes London

    Propers from Graduale Romanum 1924 ed.
    Mass II
    Credo I
    OFF (motet) Jesu Salvator Saeculi, Dominican melody
    COMM (motet) Christer Redemptor Omnium, Roman melody
    Marian Anthem, Solemn Salve Regina
  • St. Sebastian, Akron, 5:15PM EF
    Fr. Justin Dyrwal OSB

    Hymn: For All the Saints
    Mass VIII, Credo III
    Offertory: Justorum animae (Lorenzo Perosi)
    Communion: Beati mundo corde (chant, and Peter Griesbacher)
    Lynn Steward, guest organist
  • St Mary, Help of Christians, Sleepy Eye, Minn.

    English Choral Masses, OF

    Parish Caecilian Choir (also HS Schola at School Mass, with slight changes)

    Propers: Bartlett
    Ordinary: mixed, Heritage & Missa Simplex
    Processional Hymn: For All the Saints
    Psalm, G.A.: Alstott
    Offertory: Ye Watchers and Ye Faithful Ones
    Anthem: The Souls of the Righteous, S. Marchant
    Communion: Blest are They
    Motet: Jubilate Deo, W.A. Mozart
    Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

    Organ extemporizations on the hymns at prelude and postlude.

    Latin High Mass, EF

    Propers: Full Introit, Comm., p.t. G/A
    Ordinary: Mass VIII, Credo III
    Offertory Antiphon: Justorum Animae, Webbe (ladies)
    Communion Motet: Panis Angelicus, Franck
    Recessional Hymn: Holy God, We Praise The Name

    Extemporized prelude and postlude.
  • There are about 45 of them . . .

    Color me jealous!

    (An aside - I was really hoping to make it to your house last night, Incardination. I had heard that you were serving to the trick-or-treaters from a "huge vat of chocolate". I had my sumo wrestler tutu all ready to go.)
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • For those who are wondering, Stim is referring to two of my choir examples...

    #1) The quality of our singing should be rich and smooth - picture a big vat of chocolate.
    #2) Basses (or other section as appropriate), you are far too heavy. Picture a sumo wrestler - that's the sound you are making right now. Now picture a sumo wrestler in a pink tutu, dancing lightly across a stage. That's the sound you need to make.

  • Pink tutus are for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, Incard?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    We sang the chants of the day, Latin or English, accompanied or unaccompanied, depending on when you came. Some Masses included hymns to ST. ELIZABETH and SINE NOMINE. Some didn't.
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 546
    St. Mary, Auburn, NY

    7a said mass, OF, with organ improvisation

    Noon, OF, high school schola cantorum
    Entrance: For all the saints
    Psalm/Alleluia (Englert & mode 6 simple)
    Ordinary: ICEL (G, S, A, dialogues)
    Offertory: By all your saints still striving
    Communion: Beati quorum via (Gregorian, +Ps. 33)
    Organ: BWV 565, Guilmant Grand-Choeur alla Handel.

    7p Sung Mass with Schola Gregoriana, OF
    Complete Gregorian propers (full gradual/alleluia)
    Ordinary: VIII
    Creed: III
    Hymns: as at noon
    Salve Regina after dismissal
    Organ: BWV 565, improvisation

    To my knowledge, this is the first time the gradual has been sung here in any form since V2, and the first time the Gregorian alleluia has been heard.

  • Pink tutus are for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, Incard?

    I've been told that it has to be Rose or Salmon for Gaudete / Laetare, not pink. ;)
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    We have some vestments that are PINK, no matter what anyone says. I have been told that genuine Roman rose is actually a darker salmon color. True? Anyone know? I used to wear pink shirts for Gaudete and Laetare just to agitate the assistant pastor.

    The Latin mass today was a low mass. It was a saucy little mass with hints of beeswax and frankincense with a bouquet of urban fog as rain pervaded the area. Well attended though.

    The OF mass had cantors, no choir, and the sound of ICEL chant was heard throughout the nave. Typical All Saints hymns, "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones," along with "For All the Saints," and the ever popular "Sing with All the Saints in Glory" based on the hymn or ode to joy. A Marchand fugue pealed out from the organ as a postlude. Attendance was also good. Surprising since it has been a generally rotten and water-logged day. I thought many folks would stay home. Pleasant surprise.
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham -

    Solemn Pontifical Mass

    6.30 pm

    Organ Voluntary - Prelude on the Introit, Gaudeamus - - - Improvisation
    The Litany of the Saints in Procession -

    The Introit - Gaudeamus - - - Mode I (Palmer-Burgess)
    Kyrie - Mass in F-Major - - - Harold Darke
    Gloria - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan

    The Psalm - Psalm XXIV, Domini est terra - - - Chant, Sir Joseph Barnby
    Alleluya and Verse - Venite ad me - - - Tone VI (Anglican Use Gradual)

    The Nicene Creed - Credo III - - - Mode V
    The Prayers of the Faithful - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Iustorum animae - - - Mode II (P-B)
    Anthem - 'Give Us the Wings of Faith' - - - Sir Ernest Bullock

    Sanctus-Benedictus - Mass in F-Major - - - Harold Darke
    The Our Father - - - Mode VII
    Agnus Dei - - - Mass in F-Major - - - Harold Darke

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Beati mundo corde - - - Mode I (P-B)
    Anthem - 'Holy is the True Light' - - - Sir William Henry Harris
    Hymn - 'Jerusalem, My Happy Home' - - - Land of Rest

    At the Dismissal -
    Hymn - 'For All the Saints, Who from Their Labours Rest' - - - Sine Nomine
    Organ Voluntary - Toccata on Sine Nomine - - - Improvisation

    Last night as I was reading an old friend, Jacques Maritain, I came to this beautiful and intuitive insight (emphases added) -
    Nothing is more beautiful than a High Mass - a dance before the Ark... In it the Church is not seeking for beauty, nor for decorative motifs, nor to touch the heart. Her sole aim is to adore, and to unite herself with the Saviour, and from this loving adoration beauty, too, overflows.
  • St. Joseph, Greenwood

    PROCESSIONAL: Whitehead "O Christ, Thy Guilty People Spare"
    PROPERS: Full Gregorian
    CREDO: I
    French Melody, Fortem Virili Pectore
    Vesper hymn Placare Christe
    Chant O Sacrum Convivium
    RECESSIONAL: St. Catherine, "Faith of Our Fathers"

    This went well. A little difficulty with the second communion motet (had to convince a few chanters that the ti was flated throughout the piece) but otherwise very beautiful.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,189
    St. Luke Church, Palm Springs,FL.

    Ordinary: Mass 8
    Propers:Graduale Romanum
    Organ: l'Orgue Mystique Tournemire (Mvmts I-IV.) No Choral.
  • davido
    Posts: 922
    St Bernard’s, New Bloomfield, PA

    By all your saints still striving
    For all the saints
    Let all mortal flesh
    Ye watchers and ye holy ones
    Kyrie Missa VIII
    Mass of St Frances Cabrini
    Alstott psalmody

    Motet at communion: Beati mortui - Mendelssohn
    Vocal solo prelude - O savior Jesus (DEO GRACIAS)
    Introit and communion: Proper of the Mass - Weber
  • At the Casa Santa Maria (Rome)

    Introit: Gaudeamus
    Kyrie VIII
    Gloria (ICEL)
    Psalm: Weber Tone Va
    Offertory: Iustorum animæ, w verse
    Sanctus VIII
    Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion: Beati pacifici (Graduale Simplex)
    Communion Hymn: For All the Saints

  • Saint Barnabas Church
    Omaha, Nebraska
    Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter

    All Saints Day 2018
    Procession and High Mass

    Ordinary: Missa O quam gloriosum (Victoria)
    Proper: Plainchant Gradual (Palmer/Burgess)
    Motet: O quam gloriosum (Victoria)
    For all the saints (Sine nomine)
    O what their joy (O quanta qualia)
    Who are these like stars (All Saints)
    Te Deum versets (Nivers)
  • St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 12:10 and 5:30, Sung English Masses

    Hymn: For All the Saints (SINE NOMINE)
    No Proper
    Gloria: VIII
    Motet: O Quam Gloriosum (Victoria)
    Sanctus/Benedictus, Mem. Acc: Dominion Mass (Stephen Somerville)
    Agnus Dei: Missa O Quam Gloriosum (Victoria)
    Hymn: Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing (DUNDEE)
    Motet: Beati Quorum Via (Stanford)
    Hymn: Jerusalem, the Golden (EWING)
    Exposition (12:10 only): O Salutaris Hostia (WERNER)
  • St. Mary Cathedral
    Austin, TX

    Processional: For all the saints (SINE NOMINE)
    Kyrie: Mass X
    Gloria: cathedral setting by Philip Baker
    Psalm: LCM (Bartlett)
    Offertory: Sing with all the saints in glory (RUSTINGTON)
    O quam gloriosum (Victoria)
    Sanctus: Mass X
    Mem Acc & Amen (Baker)
    Agnus Dei: Mass X
    Communion: Justorum animae (Byrd)
    Recessional: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
  • OF Masses, Sacred Heart, West Warwick, RI (9 am, 7 pm, cantoring from the console at both Masses)

    Ordinary: Laus Tibi Christe (Caudana) (transposed for congregation, they sing this like canaries!)

    Entrance hymn: Sine Nomine (For all the saints)
    Psalm 24: Carroll/Gelineau (Worship III)
    Alleluia from "Gelobt sei Gott", V./ sung to tone 8G
    Offertory: St. Theodulph (By all your saints...)
    Communion: R./ Remember, Lord, thy servants when thou dost take thy throne (original setting, V./ from the Beatitudes, tone also original, influenced by Gelineau)
    - http://www.christusvincit.com/151/74f.pdf
    Recessional: Lasst uns Erfreuen (Ye watchers...)

    (Pastor picks the hymns, I pick the rest.)

  • At the Casa Santa Maria (Rome)
    Greetings, Fr Earthman
    It is nice to hear from you!
    You are sorely missed here in Houston -
    - Jackson

    (I'm still doing troped plainchant in my recitals and think of you when I do. My most recent recital included the tropes on the Kyrie cunctipotens genitor Deus sung in alternation with some anonymous French XVIth century organ versets. I'm sure that you would have been pleased.)
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Cathedral of St. Paul, Birmingham, AL

    12:10PM Pontifical Mass: Cathedral Scholae
    Mass VIII

    6:30PM Sung Mass: Cathedral Choir

    “Let us all rejoice…”; Gaudeamus; Ps 32
    KYRIE: Missa Octavi Toni (di Lasso)
    GRADUAL: Timete Dominum, Mode I
    OFFERTORY: For all the Saints (SINE NOMINE)
    “The souls of the just…”; Iustorum animae; Wis 3:1-2a; 3b
    MASS: Mass VIII; Missa Octavi Toni (di Lasso) AD
    “Blessed are the clean of heart…”; Beati mundo corde; Mt 5:8-10
    POSTCOMMUNION (6:30PM): And I saw a new heaven (Bainton)
    CLOSING: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
    VOLUNTARY: Toccata (Lanquetuit)