Victoria Requiem A4
  • Does anyone know where to get a decent copy of this score, free preferably? The link off of CPDL doesn't seem to be working, even though it was working just last week!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    The link to Nancho Alvarez's site works for me. Here is the link at the Victoria site:
  • CPDL is working fine for me at the moment (assuming A4 is "a 4vv" rather than the paper size). What would be nice is a version with page numbers running consecutively through the movements and a appropriate transposition (3a or 4a) of the Offertory. If one has time and the appropriate version of Lilypond it's certainly possible, but I've had compatibility issues trying to use the online LP interface.

    Out of curiosity, what pitch(s) do you prefer for the 6vv?
  • LilyPond still (to my knowledge) has no easy way to natively modify page numbers in the way you describe, Richard. I've had similar issues preparing scores with seemingly no solution in sight.

    That being said, transpositions are no issue at all.