Need setting of Communion Antiphon for Diaconate Ordination
  • Does anyone have a simple English setting of "Go into all the world, and proclaim the Gospel.
    I am with you always, says the Lord" (E.T. alleluia).
    (Mark 16:13; Mt. 28:20) with Psalm 96 or Psalm
    19:2–5? Or is this just used for Priest Ordination? I need the one for Permanent Diaconate.
  • There's an old thread about the propers here.
    And, yes, that is the official Communion antiphon.
    Thanked by 1ValerieOestry
  • As I read the Missal, that is not the antiphon for the ordination of deacons. In my Missal, on pages 1166 & 1171, the antiphon listed is "The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." I find the antiphon you list on pages 1155 & 1160 for the ordination of priests.

    I do have a setting of that, which is attached, but it might not meet your vision for simple. It was sung prior to the music requested by those being ordained.
    Communion Antiphon - Diaconate Ordination.pdf
  • And also for online posterity, here's an entrance antiphon for the ordination of deacons.
    Entrance Antiphon - Diaconate Ordination.pdf
    Thanked by 1ValerieOestry
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Is it possible that the Roman Pontifical might have additional antiphon texts for ordination Masses?
  • Fr Webber's book has good useful versions of these antiphons.
  • Fr Webber's setting can be seen here. I suspect that would not suit those who ask for a simple setting.
  • Is it possible that the Roman Pontifical might have additional antiphon texts for ordination Masses?
    Here is my list from the pontifical.
    sung texts for Ordination of Deacons.doc
  • The Introit from By Flowing Waters:
    diaconate introit english.docx
  • In Latin:
    diaconate introit latin.pdf
  • Communion: Go to the Ends of the Earth
    Go to the Ends of the Earth choir.pdf
    Go to the Ends of the Earth.pdf
    Thanked by 1ValerieOestry
  • Paul, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is exactly what I am looking for. They aren't ready for the Latin just yet, but I am assembling a schola that will be ready next year for the Latin. THANK YOU!!!
  • The last book of Fr. Columba Kelly published by OCP "Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for Cathedral Rituals" (Edition #30137973) contains the Ordination Antiphons. The square notes of the melody are owned by the Archabbey
    and are available for free, so I have attached them. I transcribed the neumes into modern
    notation for OCP so I cannot post those. - Ray Hendersonimage
    Thanked by 2chonak ValerieOestry