• Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    I wonder if any of you have big plans yet for Armistice Day, Sunday Nov. 11. Our normal OT 32 widow’s mite anthem is Brahms' Ach arme Welt, Op. 110 #2 but this might be the year to try something different.
  • Is there a setting of the text which includes ARMAGEDDON?
  • Anyone here sing "They Are at Rest" by Elgar?
  • Casavant,

    More than 10 years ago I think I sang this, but also a piece called (I think) We are soldiers ??
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    Gallus - Ecce quomodo moritur justus.

    My personal favourite (although extremely non-liturgical) - Reger Op. 83/10.