Boże, lud Twój . Translation of the text Help
  • I have lost may translations. There are several seasonal and various liturgical use texts..
    There are some on line that I cannot locate

    Boże, lud Twój czcią przejęty, Twoich dzieł wszechmocność głosi; * Oczy na Twój ołtarz święty, serce swe do Ciebie wznosi. * Liczne na nas ciążą winy, lecz niech żal nasz litość wznieci; * Przyjmij Ojcze grzeszne syny, nie odpychaj swoich dzieci.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    Boże, lud Twój czcią przejęty, Twoich dzieł wszechmocność głosi; * Oczy na Twój ołtarz święty, serce swe do Ciebie wznosi. * Liczne na nas ciążą winy, lecz niech żal nasz litość wznieci; * Przyjmij Ojcze grzeszne syny, nie odpychaj swoich dzieci.
    God, your people are venerated, your omnipotence proclaims your works; * Eyes at Your holy altar, He raises Your heart to You. * Many of us are at fault, but let our pity be pitied; * Receive, Father, sinful sons, do not push your children away.
  • Ralph,

    This looks like Polish, but is it (instead) some other Slavic language?

  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    It's Polish.
  • There are several verses. Wondering if the whole thing is translated somewhere.
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,189
    Here are also several versions, of various lengths, as shown by the second link you posted. Are you looking for a (publishable?) translation of all ten (?) verses?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    The longest version referred to in the linked site, with specification for the uses of each of the verses:
    Jeszcze dłuższa wersja (10 zwrotek), zamieszczona została w Śpiewniczku ks. Siedleckiego z 1918 r. (s. 8-10):

    Na Introit
    1. Boże, lud Twój czcią przejęty * Wszechmocność dzieł Twoich głosi; * Oczy na Twój ołtarz święty, * I serce do Ciebie wznosi. * Liczne na nas ciążą winy, * Lecz niech żal nasz litość wznieci: * Przyjmij, Ojcze, grzeszne syny, * Nie odpychaj Swoich dzieci.

    Na Gloria
    2. Najwyższemu Panu chwała! * Niechaj Jego brzmi imieniem * Niebo całe, ziemia cała * Niech Go kornem wielbi pieniem. * Chwała Mu za wszystkie dary, * Co na ludzkie zlewa plemię, * Łącząc Boskim węzłem wiary * Niebo z ziemią, z niebem ziemię.

    Przed Ewangelią
    3. Powstańcie wyznawcy krzyża! * Bóg prawdy odwieczne głosi, * Do pojęć ludzkich się zniża, * Słowa zbawienia przynosi! * Tysiące wieków upłyną, * Świata się skruszy budowa, * Ziemia minie, nieba miną, * Lecz Boskie nie miną słowa.

    Na Credo
    4. Wierzymy w Wszechmogącego * Boga Ojca, co świat stworzył; * Wierzymy w Syna Bożego, * Co za nas życie położył; * Wierzymy w Ducha Świętego, * Co nas poświęca, od Ojca * I Syna pochodzącego: * Trzy osoby, jedna Trójca.

    Na Offertorium
    5. Z rąk kapłańskich przyjmij, Panie! * Tę ofiarę chleba, wina, * Co się wkrótce Ciałem stanie * I Krwią świętą Twego Syna. * Niech przestępstwa nasze zmywa * I uskramia gniew Twój, Panie! * Niech nas z niebem pojednywa * I uzyska przebłaganie.

    Na Sanctus
    6. Wznieśmy chwały hymn w niebiosy: * „Pan Zastępów niepojęty!” * Z Cherubami łącząc głosy * Nućmy: „Święty, Święty, Święty!” * Łączmy się z Serafów pieniem. * Niech świat cały czcią przejęty * Wspólnem Boga wielbiąc tchnieniem * Nuci: „Święty, Święty, Święty!”

    Na Benedictus
    7. Zawitaj, prawdziwe Ciało * Z Maryi Panny zrodzone, * Któreś na krzyżu wisiało, * Z Bóstwem ukrytem złączone; * Witaj, Krwi Bożego Syna, * Za nas i wielu przelana, * Któraś z boku przebitego * Spłynęła z wodą zmieszana!

    Na Agnus Dei
    8. Baranku Boży bez winy, * Któryś grzechy świata zgładził * I z nieba w ziemskie krainy * Pokój stracony sprowadził: * Chciej się zmiłować nad nami * I oczyść nasze sumienia, * Abyśmy uczestnikami * Stać się mogli odkupienia.

    Na Komunię
    9. Niegodniśmy i duchowo * Do serca przyjąć Cię, Panie! * Ale rzeknij tylko słowo, * A serce godnem się stanie. * Niech Ciało Twe i Krew święta * Na straż każdej duszy stanie, * I strzeże ją moc przyjęta * Na wieczne odpoczywanie.

    Ite missa est
    10. Już ofiara dokonana. * Powstańmy i schylmy czoła, * Niechaj przez ręce kapłana * Pan błogosławi dokoła: * Naszym polom, łąkom, sadom, * Naszej pracy, dobytkowi, * I rodzinie, i sąsiadom, * Wsiom i miastom, i krajowi.

    Translation (thanks largely to Google):
    An even longer version (10 stanzas) was placed in Śpiewniczek, priest. Siedlecki from 1918 (pp. 8-10):

    At the Introit
    1. God, your people are venerated. * The omnipotence of Your works is proclaimed; * Eyes at your holy altar, * And the heart rises to You. * Many of us are at fault, * but let us regret our pity: * Receive, O Father, sinful sons, * Do not push away your children.

    At the Gloria
    2. Praise to the Supreme Lord! * Let him sound his name * Heaven is all, the whole earth * May I worship him with my crown. * Praise Him for all the gifts, * What for the human tribe is sinking, * Connecting the Divine bond of faith * Heaven with earth, with heaven the earth.

    Before the Gospel
    3. Arise the followers of the cross! * The eternal God of truth proclaims * He lowers himself to human concepts, * He brings the words of salvation! * Thousands of ages will pass, * The world will crumble the building, * the earth will pass, the skies will pass, * But the Divine will not pass the word.

    At the Credo
    4. We believe in the Almighty * God the Father, who the world created; * We believe in the Son of God, * whom he laid down for us; * We believe in the Holy Spirit, * What sacrifices us, from the Father * and the coming Son: * Three people, one Trinity.

    At the Offertory
    5. Receive from the priestly hands, Lord! * This sacrifice of bread and wine * What will happen to the Body soon * and the Holy Blood of Your Son. Let our crimes take away our transgressions, and anger destroys you, Lord! * May he reconcile us with Heaven * and obtain atonement.

    At the Sanctus
    6. Let us raise the glory hymn to the heavens: * "Lord of hosts incomprehensible!" * With the cherubs, joining the voices * Let us nudge: "Holy, Holy, Holy!" * Let's join the Seraph with a cog. * May the world be completely worshiped * by God's common devotion, breathing * Huci: "Holy, Holy, Holy!"

    At the Benedictus
    7. Hang on, true Body * From the Virgin Mary, born, * who was hanging on the cross, * with the Deity concealed; * Welcome, the Blood of God's Son, * For us and many shed, * Someone on the side of the pierced * She floated with water mixed up!

    At the Agnus Dei
    8. Lamb of God without guilt, * who took away the sins of the world, * and from heaven into earthly lands * have lost peace: * Have mercy on us * and purify our conscience, * that we may become participants * in the redemption.

    For Communion
    9. We are unworthy and spiritually * Take to You, Lord! * But just say the word, * And the heart will be worthy. * Let Your Body and Blood be holy * Let the guard of every soul stand, * And the power that is received * keep her. For eternal rest.

    Ite missa est
    10. The sacrifice has already been made. * Let us stand and bow our heads, * May the priest, through the hands of the priest, bless us: * to our fields, meadows, orchards, * our work, possessions, * and to the family and neighbors, * to the cities and the country.
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,189
    Google does not understand religious poetry very well, unfortunately. Let's join the Serafim with a cog! May the world be completely worshiped!

    I cannot find an English translation of this hymn, but could make one. Is it needed for publication? or choir training? or interest...?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    It looks as though this were a Polish version of the German/Austrian "Singmesse", in which the Mass ordinary was replaced with rather didactic vernacular songs intended to correspond to the various moments of the Mass.

    I do hope this practice, influenced by Josephinism, isn't permitted in any Polish-speaking places now.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    If you look in OLD Polish hymnal (such as by Siedlicki and Miodjuszewski (sp?)) you will find a whole section of these Singmessen, for various liturgical seasons. Some are complete settings, like this, others (e.g. for Christmas) are simply long hymns/carols divided up, a verse or two, for each section of the Mass.

    Some portions of these Singmessen survived in popular use as devotional hymns, e.g. Z rąk kapłańskich, from the above text remains popular, though the rest of the setting seems to have fallen into disuse.
  • Thanks. I did have a poetic (metered) version. That is what I am searching for. These texts are autere and straight-forward, and do not want to masked with delicate language. THe music softens the blow. Like the poetry of E A Robinson.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,487
    Might be worth contacting this Polish-American Liturgical Center. Although they were set up to promote VII liturgical reforms, they seem to have archives.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 394
    @chonak I don't know the situation in Poland at all, but in the nearby Czech Republic many of the most popular "Singmessen" live up to this day - of course not replacing the ordinary, but serving (slightly tailored for the new situation) as hymn replacement for the propers.

    Everyone knows the concept as such is obsolete, but the hymns exist, are more or less popular, fit more or less their current purpose, ...