Folks, this incredible program is limited to 50 people and we have no way to judge who can can except by a standard of first come, etc.
It is a week of chant instruction with Scott Turkington, in Chicago, June 9-13, the week before the colloquium, same location: See the Chant intensive.
Janet, it really depends on your goal. If a broad experience in sacred music and liturgy is the goal, the colloq is the way to go. If you desire to throw yourself completely into chant studies and practice, as a leader or writer or singer, the chant intensive is a great choice. For most people, I would think that it would be too much, or rather, that the colloq is a more beneficial experience. In any case, there is always next year.
REGISTRATION UPDATE: If the pace keeps up, the Chant Intensive will be booked solid in the next two weeks. (That was my official heads up to anyone who is thinking about getting time like the present!)
Should attendees purchase the text by Dom Sunol before attending, or will they receive the book during the course? How about the book by Richard Rice... will it be available before the course? Thanks.
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
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