CMAA Colloquium 6/25-6/30/2018 in Chicago
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 993
    There is still some time and some space for those who want to be part of a great summer experience at Loyola University, Chicago. Chant and polyphony for beginners to advanced. Masses with dignity and beauty in English, Latin, and Spanish. Extraordinary Form and Ordinary Form. Renaissance to contemporary composers. New music workshop for aspiring contributors to the treasury of sacred music. Great plenary talks and breakout sessions on a variety of topics, some esoteric and many practical. A fantastic organ recital. And best of all, a chance to be with others who understand and share your passion! You’re never “too cool for school” with this Colloquium! head over the the Church Music Association of America website at and check it out.

    See you in Chicago!