Nuptial Mass --- Congregational Introit for Paschaltide (English)
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    I had the privilege yesterday of playing for a dear friend's wedding in SE Indiana. The Mass was wonderful, New Rite, English, with all sung parts sung, including the Gospel. The altar faced eastward. The music was just myself singing and playing organ, with an outstanding (professional) mezzo singing as well. ICEL chant ordinary, O God Beyond All Praising at the Offertory, psalm vss. by Walford-Davies.

    Anyway, during the incensation of the altar, the desire was for an English setting of Deus Israel with a congregational respond; the initial commission fell through, so I ended up writing it on the 12 hour car ride to the wedding on Thursday. Since I was playing, I did not write out harmonies, but this was done fully accompanied. It flows very nicely if the breath marks are observed. Perhaps this will be of interest or use to some of you.
    2576 x 1932 - 1M
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen