Meanwhile, it seems evident that many prescriptions of the Constitution cannot be applied in a short period of time, especially since some rites must first be revised and new liturgical books prepared. In order that this work may be carried out with the necessary wisdom and prudence, we are establishing a special commission whose principal task will be to implement in the best possible way the prescriptions of the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy itself.
We wanted them with the Motu Proprio of 25 January, which entered into force suffered some of the rules of the Liturgical Constitution, entrusting it to a special Consilium, in addition to the task of preparing the reform of the liturgy on the basis of the general rules contained in the Constitution, even to study the implementation in letter and spirit, according to the forms necessary and proper to the Holy See, what the Council has acted.
The Congregation for Divine Worship, in addition to their tasks to be defined once, also assumes the functions of the Council for the execution of the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, which therefore ceases to exist as a separate organ, while we determine that it is inserted in the Congregation as a special Commission, which exist as long as they have been completed the reform of the liturgical books.
[In a courtroom a lawyer only asks questions to which he already knows the answer.]
[True story, I knew both parties.]
After a Mass a parishioner approached an organist
and provided much critique.
At some point the organist slid off the bench,
motioned to it, and said:
"Thank you! Would you care to show me?"
The parishioner provided a compact verbal excuse and escaped.
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