Ascension on Ascension at... (and on Not Ascension at...)
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham

    Said mass

    Pontifical High Mass

    (All three readings sung.)

    Organ Voluntary - Fantasia on the Introit, Viri Galilaei - - - Improvisation
    At the Procession - 'The Head that Once Was Crowned with Thorns' - - - St. Magnus
    Vidi Aquam - - - Chant, T. Norris

    The Introit - Viri Galilaei - - - Mode VII (Palmer-Burgess)
    Kyrie - Mass in F - - - Harold Darke
    Gloria - Missa Sancta Maria Magdelene - - - Healey Willan

    The Psalm - XLVII, Omnes gentes plaudite - - - Chant, Henry George Ley
    Alleluya and Verses - Ascendit Deus - - - T. Maurier

    The Nicene Creed - - - Recto tono, with organ embellishments
    The Prayers of the Faithful - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Ascendit Deus - - - Mode I (P-B)
    Anthem - 'Let All the World in Every Corner Sing' - - - Ralph Vaughan Williams

    Sanctus - Mass in F - - - Harold Darke
    The Our Father - - - Mode VII
    Agnus Dei - Mass in F - - - Harold Darke

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Signa eos - - - Tone I (Anglican Use Gradual)
    Anthem - Coelos ascendit hodie - - - Charles Villiers Stanford
    Hymn - 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence' - - - Picardy

    At the Dismissal - Hymn, 'Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise' - - - Llanfair
    Organ Voluntary - Fanfare - - - William Mathias
  • Incardination
    Posts: 832
    Sacred Heart, Cincinnati, OH

    • Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
    • Organ prelude as processional

    • Full Propers, Mass II, Credo V (Ite I-2)
    • Offertory
      Regina Coeli (Wilkens)
    • Communion
      O Salutaris Hostia (Martini)
      O Sanctissima (Allen)
      Confirma Hoc (Handl)

    • Crown Him with Many Crowns
    • Organ postlude
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    ***First off, a liturgical question - NLM quotes Durandus as saying that Ascension features a 'procession' of sorts for this mass. Has anyone ever seen anything of this sort where they sing/worship?***

    Holy Angels, Sidney OH
    Missa Cantata - Ascension Thursday
    Fr. Peter Langenkamp, celebrant

    PRELUDE: Bach, Fugue in G Minor
    PROPERS: Gregorian - Alleluias Simplified from the Liber Brevior
    ORDINARY: Casciolini, Mass in A Minor
    OFFERTORY MOTET: Webbe, O Rex Gloriae
    COMMUNION MOTET: Chant, Alleluia - Omnes Gentes
    RECESSIONAL: Llanfair

    So many wonderful things about this mass. I was asked by some seminarian friends from Brute College Seminary to help with music. It's a bit of a distance for my regular choir, so I offered to help teach the choir at the parish how to sing for a Latin Mass. A few of the choir members weren't sure if it were possible to learn the repertoire for a TLM in the amount of time we had - the equivalent of 2 1/2 rehearsals. Well, let me tell you - and it is a credit to the choir of this parish and the seminarians (one playing organ, another helping me cantor) - it was magnificent. The music sounded great, and the chanting was ethereal. (We had some of your alumni singing with us, Incardination!) Father was hoping for a decent turn-out: they had roughly 200 congregants, the most I've ever seen for an Ascension Thursday mass anywhere.

    And here's the icing on the cake - Fr. Langenkamp invited the young discerning men of his parish to come to a pre-mass dinner with the seminarians, followed by brief instruction in the Old Rite before serving as torch bearers that evening. (This is why there are 63 seminarians in Cincinnati right here. Promoting vocations is at the forefront.)

    I feel like I can say this because I'm not part of their diocese, just a fella who happened to be passing through - if you get the chance, check out the Cincinnati diocese. There is a lot of wonderful stuff going on there, and a genuine spirit of Catholicism pervades the whole region. I really can't say enough about how wonderful and how holy the whole experience was. God is great!

  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham

    The Seventh Sunday of Easter, being the Sunday After the Ascension

    Solemn Choral Evensong

    Organ Voluntary - Majeste du Christ demandant sa gloire... - - - Olivier Messiaen
    From L'Ascension

    Introit - 'Rise Up, My Love' - - - Healey Willan
    The Preces and Responses - - - Gabriel Jackson
    Office Hymn - 'Now Hell Is Vanquished' - - - Conditor Alme Siderum

    The Psalter -
    Psalm XVIII, Caeli enarrant - - - Chant, Frederick A. Ousely
    Psalm XLVI, Deus noster refugium - - - Chant, Alec Wyton

    Magnificat - from Evening Service in G - - - Charles Villiers Stanford
    Nunc Dimittis - from Evening Service in G - - - Charles Villiers Stanford

    The Suffrages - - - Gabriel Jackson

    The Anthem - 'O Clap Your Hands' - - - Ralph Vaughan Williams

    The Marian Anthem - Regina Caeli - - - Charles Gounod

    Hymn - 'Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning' - - - Guiting Power
    Organ Voluntary - Transports de joie... - - - Olivier Messiaen
    From L'Ascension
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Jackson,

    Help me, please. I need a better way to understand Messiaen. (I can't play him on my organ, I think, lacking reeds and celestes, but.... I would still like to understand more.
  • Chris -

    I love Messiaen's music -except for his use of the Onds Martinot in things like the Turangalila Symphony - this is just tinckering and swatting at gnats to be moderne. The Onds Martinot may be the single silliest gadget that ever laid claim to being a musical instrument.

    I have found that, for me, his music is beastly to learn and to make sense of. To me, there are pieces, such as the Transports de joie mentioned in the above evensong list, in which not one note seems predicted by its previous note, nor predicts what the next note will be, and few are printed except in enharmonic equivalents. Still, once one begins to feel comfortable with the harmonic vocabulary, a wrong note will stand out like the fabled sore thumb. Though some of his music is beastly to learn, once learnt it is a joy to play. Transports de joie, for instance, can be as satisfying as a Bach fugue to play. I have played the Ascension and Nativity Suites, among other things, and love them more the more I play them.

    All of which doesn't do much to address your enquiry. I am not an authority on Messiaen's harmonic world and the theory which underpins it. Some of his music is well-known to feature bird calls and use Indian rhythms, among other exotic (to us) borrowings.

    There are others on our Forum who are far more competent to discuss Messiaen than I. Greg Hamilton, for one (are you watching, Greg?). Perhaps they would do us the honour of shedding more technical light on XXth century organ music's Bach.

    If you listen to pieces repeatedly, such as those listed above, you will begin to perceive how beautifully they are constructed, how tightly woven their thematic material is, how beautifully the embroidery of harmony and motive is manifest.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Richard Mix
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825

    A celeste accompaniment is very beautiful with La vie éternelle from the Diptych but that hasn't stopped me from playing it on a Moller Artiste. Also successful are the cello solo from Quartet for the End of Time (originally titled Les eaux de la vie and scored for ondes octet), the choral anthem O sacrum convivium on a single enclosed bourdon, and Apparition de l'église éternelle on anything like a plenum. You can find simple gems at the deep end of the pool too: 1984's Livre du Saint- Sacrament.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    ***First off, a liturgical question - NLM quotes Durandus as saying that Ascension features a 'procession' of sorts for this mass. Has anyone ever seen anything of this sort where they sing/worship?***

    I am sure I have seen a "Salve Festa Dies processional hymn for Ascension, this would be a procession before Mass.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    A suggestively titled Post_processionem_in_Ascensione_Domini was recently posted to CPDL.
  • Such processions, especially in Sarum usage, were far from rare, were they not?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,487
    As he said above tomjaw has seen a processional for Ascension, and told us where to find it.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    @a_f_hawkins I had forgotten I made a list... Now I just need the time to set them to the music.

    MJO When I get time I will look up the Sarum processional.
  • National Shrine, DC

    Prelude: Messiaen, L’Ascension, IV. Prière du Christ montant vers son Père
    Introit: Viri Galilaei (Latona)
    Ordinary: Near Communion Service (Kyrie, Gloria, Agnus)
    Psalm: God mounts his throne to shouts of joy (Latona)
    Offertory: Victoria Ascendens Christus
    Communion: Manchicourt Laudate Dominum/Plaudite ergo
    Postlude: Boëllmann, Prière à Notre-Dame

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • At my little church of Sacred Heart (just me, myself, and I in the loft, at the console):

    Entrance: Hail the day that sees him rise (Llanfair)
    Psalm 47: Kreutz/Gelineau (setting in Worship II)
    Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" from my newly improved project.
    Offertory: Crown him with many crowns (Diademata)
    Mass Ordinary: Missa Cristo Risusciti (Luigi Picchi) (a Latin setting based on "Surgit in Haec Dies" very much accessible to the congregation).
    Communion: Psalm 34 (R./ They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they will recover, alleluia) from my project.
    Recessional: Go, make of all disciples (Ellacombe)

  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    St. Mary, Auburn, NY

    7a said mass, organ improvisation and Bach: Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn

    Noon with high school students and schola:
    Prelude: Bach, D Major prelude, BWV 532
    Entrance: Sing we triumphant hymns of praise
    Psalm/Alleluia: Missalette, WLP
    Offertory: Fr. Weber’s Englished “Ascendit Deus”
    Communion: SEP’s “Signa eos” and the Southern hymn “Come away to the skies, my beloved”, a cap, with descant etc.
    Hymn after communion: Hail the day that sees him rise
    Post: Willan, Finale Jubilante
    Ordinary: ICEL chants.

    The high school singers were quite disappointed to not be singing the authentic chants this time, but due to the absence of printed leaflets at this mass (as opposed to regular school masses), and the constant disappointment of Missalette with lectionary antiphons vs. Graduale texts, it was what it was and all was sung in English.

    7pm: adult schola, with Gregorian Missals and leaflets given to all.
    All Gregorian propers, including both alleluias.
    Mass: VIII, Creed III.
    Organ: Heut’ Triumphieret and Finale Jubilante.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Missa Octavi Toni, Lassus
    Gregorian Propers/LCM Propers
    All People Clap your Hands, Weelkes
    Ave Maria, Arcadelt
    O Rex Gloriae, Marenzio
    Organ works by Zipoli and Rousseau
    Thanked by 1JosquinGetEnough
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Mass I, Credo IV, Vidi Aquam, Gregorian propers
    Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise
    Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
    Adoramus Te Christi - Dubois
    Bring Flowers of the Rarest

    Bartlett ordinary mode VIII, Lumen Christi propers
    A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
    Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
    Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
    O God Beyond All Praising
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    Christ Church (Episcopal)
    Prelude: Benedictus ... A. Rowley
    Processional: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus HYFRYDOL
    Hymn of Praise: A song to the Lamb Dignus est ... C. Hampton
    Hail thou once despised Jesus IN BABILONE
    At the Offertory: Jubilate in F ... J. Ireland
    Sanctus, Agnus Dei: C. Hampton
    At Communion: Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor BRYN CALFARIA
    Recessional: All hail the power of Jesus' name CORONATION
    Postlude: Fantasy in G (Piece d'orgue) BWV 572 ... J. S. Bach
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Holy Ghost Catholic Church Knoxville, TN

    Our Ascension was transferred to Sunday, as is the case in our archdiocese and surrounding areas.

    Entrance: Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise (LLANFAIR)
    Gloria and Mass Ordinary: ICEL Roman Missal Chants
    Psalm: God Mounts His Throne... Michel Guimont
    Gospel Alleluia: Chant Mode VI
    Offertory: Anthem: All Hail the Power...based on CORONATION
    Communion Chant: R. Rice
    Communion Hymn: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
    Incidental organ filler: Organ selections by Dandrieu and Flor Peeters
    Recessional: Go to the World (SINE NOMINE)
    Postlude: Grand Jeu from Livre d'Orgue de Limoges
  • ...Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendour...

    This is a remarkably stirring and rich hymn, especially when sung to Bryn Calfaria.
    I've encountered it in only two hymnals, plus a recording of 5,000 Welshmen singing it.
    The hymnals are The English Hymnal and a Lutheran supplementary hymnal.
    With deep gravitas of both text and tune, it would be difficult to find a hymn and tune more exquisitely paired and more satisfying and delightful to sing.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen MarkS
  • EF (Thursday)
    · Gregorian ordinary: Mass I, Credo III
    · Gregorian proper; two of three Offertoriale verses
    · Veni Creator Spiritus (mode VIII) after Communion
    · Regina caeli, tonus simplex

    OF (transferred to Sunday)
    · Prelude: Tollite portas, Martini
    · Gregorian Introit Viri Galilaei
    · Kyrie: XVI (ninefold)
    · Gloria: Mass of the Resurrection, DeBruyn
    · Alleluia I & II: Chants abreges
    · Gregorian Offertory Ascendit Deus
    · Motet at Offertory: Ave gratia plena, Verdonck
    · Sanctus: XVIII
    · Memorial Acclamation C: ICEL
    · Lord's Prayer: Latin
    · Agnus Dei: XVIII
    · Gregorian Communion Signa eos (with verses)
    · Motet at Communion: Veni Creator Spiritus, Asola (alternatim)
    · Psalm after Communion: Ps 116, Asola (alternatim)
    · Hymn: O Sanctissima
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen