Ideas for a homeschool choir
  • Hi everyone, I’m planning on starting a homeschool choir next year through a wonderful Catholic homeschool meet-up program. So far I’ve got about 12 kids showing interest, mostly in the upper elementary age. Looking for some repertoire ideas. Thanks in advance!
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,760

    Also the Parish book of Chant has many items,
    Attende Domine, O filliae et Fillii, I could dig out a list of simple things in Latin that our children choir sings.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,926
    Rounds. Dona Nobis Pacem, Jubilate Deo, Soli Deo Gloria, Tallis's Canon, that sort of thing.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,077
    Once the kids are are able to do 2 parts in homophony, you might want to look at Latin-texted bicinia of the 16th century, especially the canonic ones.
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,502
    Parish Book of Chant.
  • Adore te devote – C. Rosinni, Plainsong chant
    All Thing Bright and Beautiful – Rutter
    Alleluia (from Exsultate Jubilate) – Mozart
    Anima Christi – Thielen
    Asperges mea – Plainsong chant
    Ave Maria (from Cavalleria Rusticana) - Mascagni
    Ave Maria – Schubert
    Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart, Saints-Saens, Guilmant, Perosi, Deschermeier, Elgar
    Behold the Lamb of God – Bouman
    Cantate Domino – Pitoni, John Goss, Hassler
    Christ Is the World True Light – Stanton
    Christmas Song – Gonoud
    Come, Come, Ye Sons of Art - Purcell
    Comfort, Comfort Ye My People - Goudimel
    Communion Song – David Kellermeyer
    Ecce Panis Angelorum – 17th c anon
    Ego Sum Panis Vivus – Bottigliero
    Flocks In Pastures Green Abiding – Bach
    Give Ear Unto Me – Marcello
    Give To Jehovah - Schutz
    God IS My Shepherd - Dvorak
    God of Mercy, God of Grace – J. Stanley Sheppherd
    He Is Risen – C. Cope
    He That Keepeth Israel – Adolphe Schlosser
    How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me – J. Clarke
    In Paradisum – Plainsong chant
    I Will Magnify Thee, O Lord – Corfe
    If with All Your Heart - Mendelssohn
    Jubilate Deo – Gruber, Michael Bedford
    Laudate Dominum – Mozart
    Lead Me, Lord – Wesley
    Let The Bright Seraphim – Handel
    Litany to the Holy Spirit – P. Hurford
    May The Grace of Christ – Ivor Davies
    Missa de Angelis – Plainsong chant
    Missa Cum Jubilo – Plainsong chant
    Missa de Sancte Maria Magdalena – Willan
    My Song Is Love Unknown – M. Archer
    My Voice Shalt Thou Hear – Corfe
    Nigra sum – Pablo Casals
    O Esca Viatorum – Singenberger, Deschermeier
    O Lord, You Know Me Complete – Hopson
    O Panis Angelorum - Koenen
    O Quam Suavis Est – Bottazzo, Goller
    O Sacrum Convivium – Remondi, Ravanello
    O Sweet And Blessed Country – Holst
    Oh Had I Jubal's Lyre - Handel
    Pange lingua – Plainsong chant
    Panis Angelicus – Franck, Meurers
    Pater Nostra – Plainsong chant
    Pie Jesu – Faure, Durufle
    Pie Pellicane – Mitterer
    Prepare Thyself, Zion - Bach
    Stabat Mater – Pergolesi
    Rorate Caeli – Plainsong chant
    Salve Mater Misericordiae – Plainsong chant
    Salve Regina – Plainsong chant
    Shepherd’s Pipe Carol - Rutter
    Teach Us Good Lord to Serve thee – Sir S. Nicholson
    The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Rutter
    The Father’s Love – Lole
    Vexilla Regis – Plainsong chant
    Vocalize - Rachmaninov
    We Hasten, O Jesu – Bach
    We Praise Thee, O God (Te Deum) – Willan
    When I Survey The Wondrous Cross – M. Archer
    Whither’s Rocking Hymn - Vaughan

    Sing Joyfull Book I
    Sing Joyfully Book II
    Thanked by 1liampmcdonough
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,501
    You will have to assess the ability of your students before choosing the repertoire. You could have 12 kids who all read very well, play instruments at a high level and can just put it all together. On the other hand, you may have some that are at a high level and others that can't read or even match a pitch!

    I also think you should consider performance opportunities. Will you have a choir for its own sake, or will you have concerts, or will you be singing for Mass or a liturgy somewhere? Sometimes it is nice to have a reason to sing and prepare. It also gives the kids a goal and a reason to practise outside of rehearsals, which facilitates faster learning.

    I would begin with plainchant and see where that takes you. Simple rounds and music with a strong melody where you can add harmony is great. Also, include the parents! Moms and dads can add harmony or perhaps play an instrument. I would also aim for high quality over quantity and poor execution.

    Also, consider making recordings of tunes and proper pronunciation of music you plan to sing so students can work on their own.

    Good luck!
  • davido
    Posts: 917
    There is some nice stuff at st James music press. It’s a subscription, but then you can download whatever they have. Lots to use with children’s choir
  • Viva Voce by Sat. James Press is an EXCELLENT way to start your children's choir - it places the voices right where they need to be. You don't need training yourself to be able to do this.

    Free previews of their music.