The Schola Cantorum of St. Michael's Choir School, which is an auditioned group of students and some professionals with a Baroque orchestra. They will be putting on a performance of Messiah Part II and III, on April 14th at 7:30 PM at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica. I hope those of you in Toronto and the area will be able to make it.
My thoughts on the current state of SMCS have been made clear, but I do think it's nice that they're trying to dissociate Messiah from its current Christmas connotations.
It is, after all, an Easter piece through and through.
Bumping, as the concert is in a few days. Hope to see some of you there! Rehearsals in the Cathedral with the orchestra have begun and it's going really well.
One of the violists didn't show up, but no problem since we had two of them. A small but energetic audience. A little disappointing for so much work but it was a fun concert. If the weather wasn't so bad the audience size could've been much larger.
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Oh, I'm sure it would have been much larger! That weather was horrendous! Over 40 000 people lost power. There were at least 500 car accidents. Ice fell from the CN tower and a whole section of the downtown had to be closed due to falling ice. It caused damage to the baseball stadium cancelling a Jays game.
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