Epiphany Proclamation 2018 (Modern notation)
  • Here's a PDF of the Roman Missal setting of the Epiphany proclamation. Please note that this is the version for dioceses which celebrate Ascension on Thursday.
    Epiphany 2018 Movable Feasts.pdf
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    Thank you!
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 354
    Obviously, it would be very easy to change the date for those diocese which celebrate the Ascension on the following Sunday.

    After all, the Bishops did.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    The 2019 dates would be:
    On the 6th day of March (Ash)
    21st day of April (Easter)
    2nd day of June [30th day of March for Thursday Ascen.]
    9th day of June (Pentecost)
    23rd day of June (CX)
    1st day of Dec. (Advent)

    (Also at usccb.org)

    3. The proclamation may be sung or proclaimed at the ambo by a deacon, cantor, or reader either after the gospel or after the prayer after communion. (1970 Missal instr.)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    or, edit to taste:

    name: Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts for the year 2019;
    user-notes: (when Ascension is transferred to the Seventh Sunday of Easter);
    commentary: ;
    annotation: ;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 11;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 7;
    %height: 11;

    Know,(g) dear(hj) broth(j)ers(i) and(j) sis(k)ters,(j) that,(jr) as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of() our(j) Lord(ih) Je(ij)sus(h) Christ,(h) (;)
    so(jr) by leave of God's mercy we announce to you also the joy of his() Re(j)sur(j)rec(k)tion,(j) (,) who(h) is(g) our(f) Sav(gh/gFE)ior.(e) (:)

    On(g) the(hj) sixth(jr) day of March will fall() Ash(ih) Wednes(ij)day,(h) (,)
    and(k) the(jr) beginning of the fast() of(hr) the most sacred() Lent(g)en(f) sea(gh/gFE)son.(e) (:)

    On(g) the(hj) twenty(jr)-first day of A(k)pril(j) (,) you(jr) will celebrate with() joy(ih) East(ij)er(h) Day,(h) (,)
    the(hr) Paschal feast of our() Lord(gf) Je(gh/gf)sus(e) Christ.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) second(jr) day(i) of(j) June(k) will(j) be(j) the(i) As(h)cen(ij)sion(h) of(h) our(h) Lord(ghf) Je(gh/gf)sus(e) Christ.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) ninth(jr) day(i) of(j) June,(h) the(h) feast(g) of(f) Pen(gh/gf)te(e)cost.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) twenty-third(jr) day(i) of(j) June,(h) (,) the(hr) feast of the Most Holy Bo(h)dy(g) and(f) Blood(gh/gf) of(e) Christ.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) first(jr) day of December, the First Sunday of(i) the(j) Ad(k)vent(j) of(j) our(j) Lord(ih) Je(ij)sus(h) Christ,(h) (,)
    to(hr) whom is honor and glory for() ev(h)er(g) and(f) ev(gh)er.(gf) A(e)men.(e) (::)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    a couple of second thoughts:

    name: Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts for the year 2019;
    user-notes: (when Ascension is transferred to the Seventh Sunday of Easter);
    commentary: ;
    annotation: ;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 11;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 7;
    %height: 11;

    Know,(g) dear(hj) broth(j)ers(i) and(j) sis(k)ters,(j) that,(jr) as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of() our(j) Lord(ih) Je(ij)sus(h) Christ,(h) (;)
    so(jr) by leave of God's mercy we announce to you also the joy of his() Re(j)sur(j)rec(k)tion,(j) (,) who(h) is(g) our(f) Sav(gh/gFE)ior.(e) (:)

    On(g) the(hj) sixth(jr) day of March will fall() Ash(ih) Wednes(ij)day,(h) (,)
    and(k) the(jr) beginning of the fast() of(hr) the most sacred() Lent(g)en(f) sea(gh/gFE)son.(e) (:)

    On(g) the(hj) twenty(jr)-first day of A(k)pril(j) (,) you(jr) will celebrate with() joy(ih) East(ij)er(h) Day,(h) (,z)
    the(hr) Paschal feast of our() Lord(gf) Je(gh/gf)sus(e) Christ.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) second(jr) day(i) of(j) June(k) will(j) be(j) the(i) As(h)cen(ij)sion(h) of(h) our(h) Lord(gf) Je(gh/gf)sus(e) Christ.(e) (:Z)

    On(g) the(hj) ninth(jr) day(i) of(j) June,(h) (,) the(h) feast(g) of(f) Pen(gh/gf)te(e)cost.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) twenty-third(jr) day(i) of(j) June,(h) (,) the(hr) feast of the Most Holy() Bo(h)dy(g) and(f) Blood(gh) of(gFE) Christ.(e) (:z)

    On(g) the(hj) first(jr) day of(i) De(j)cem(k)ber,(j) (,) the(jr) First Sunday of the Advent of() our(j) Lord(ih) Je(ij)sus(h) Christ,(h) (,z)
    to(hr) whom is honor and glory for() ev(h)er(g) and(f) ev(gh)er.(gf) A(e)men.(e) (::)