Alleluia verse for Beatitudes
  • I am playing and singing for a funeral tomorrow and just found out that the Gospel will be the Beatitudes. Can anyone tell me what the matching alleluia verse would be? I'm wiped out from some rough practicing and can't think where to look.
  • CGM
    Posts: 725
    Well, there's no "matching" verse, per se, but here are a few recommended ones that might suit:

    Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
    you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.
    — cf. Mt. 11:25

    This is the will of my Father, says the Lord,
    that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life,
    and I shall raise him on the last day.
    — Jn 6:40

    Our true home is in heaven,
    and Jesus Christ, whose return we long for,
    will come from heaven to save us.
    — cf. Phil. 3:20

    Blessed are those who have died in the Lord;
    let them rest from their labors, for their good deeds go with them.
    — Rev. 14:13

    Thanked by 1TeresaH
  • I would use "Rejoice and be glad; your reward will be great in heaven."
  • Thanks B, that sounds right.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 318
    Or “blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”