Responsorial Psalm/Salmo for Immaculate Conception
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    In case anyone else want to use it, here's the Gradual Psalm for tomorrow in a bi(tri)lingual version. I've substituted a clef in adapting a mode 7 antiphon for the Respond. [Code edited per R. Krisman's suggestion below]

    user-notes: Conceptio BVM ;
    commentary: California Mission tone;
    annotation: Ps. 98;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 11;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 5;
    %height: 11;

    CAn(e)tá(g)te(h) Dó(i)mi(j)no(i) *(,) cán(ij>)ti(h)cum(f) no(h!/ho)vum.(g) (::Z)

    1. Can(ef)ten(g) al Señor un cántico nuevo, porque ha hecho(gr) Ma(j)ra(h)vi(h.)llas.(g.) (;) (z)
    Su(gh) diestro le ha dado la victoria,(fr) su(fh) san(g)to(f) bra(f.)zo.(e.) (:) Sing to the Lord(grz) a new song, for he has done(gr) won(j)drous(h) deeds.(h.g.) (;) his(gh) right hand has won(fr) victory for him,(fr) his(f) ho(fh)ly(gf) arm.(f.e.) (::)
    2. El(e) Se(f)ñor da_a concer(gr) su(j) vic(h)to(h.)ria;(g.) (;) re(gh)vela_a las naciones(fr) su(fh) jus(gf)ti(f.)cia:(e.) (;)
    se_a(e)cor(f)dó de su misericordia_y su fi(gr)de(j)li(h)dad(h.g.) (;) en(g) fa(h)vor de la ca(fr)sa(h) de_Is(g)ra(f)el.(f.e.) (::) 3. The(ef) Lord has made his sal(gr)va(j)tion(h) known:(h.g.) (;) in(g) the(h) sight of the nations he has re(fr)vealed(fh) his(gf) jus(f.)tice.(e.) (:)
    He(e) has(f) re(g)membered his kindness(gr) and(j) his(h) faith(h)ful(g)ness(g.) toward(g) the(h) house(f) of(h) Is(g)ra(f)el.(f.e.) (::)
    4. All(e) the(f) ends of the earth have seen the salvation(gr) by(j) our(h) God.(h.g.) (;) Sing(gh) joyfully to the Lord, all you lands;(fr) break into(fr) song;(fh) sing(gf) praise.(f.e.) (:) Los(e) con(f)fines de la tierra han contemplado la victoria de(gr) nue(j)stro(h) Dios.(h.g.) (;) a(g)cla(h)men al Señor, tierra_entera: griten,(fr) vi(h)to(g)reen,(f) to(f.)quen.(e.) (::)
    Ps. 98 bilingual (Dec 8).pdf
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Very nice, RM.

    There is a missing accent on: se acordó. I'd suggest: se a- cor- dó in MI FA SOL SOL -- or -- se_a- cor- dó on MI FA SOL so that word accent and musical stress are in sync.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Richard Mix
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Please Fix ...

    Topic = Dec 8 / Immaculate Conception Psalm / Salmo Inmaculada Concepcion

    Category = Music For Hispanic Ministry
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    I thought about the category too, and changed it back to general before posting because it's usable with either as well as both languages. Time to ask Chonak if it's possible to tag for both categories...
  • I really like this way of dealing with a bilingual congregation - I would love to try something similar. We currently have 11 official languages, but i shall like to keep it to Latin, English and one other.