Mass in honor of Fr. Solanus Casey
  • This will get put up in the free Mass setting section of CCWatershed soon...but here goes. I am a Capuchin friar from the Detroit (St. Joseph) province and I composed this Mass setting last year when I was in the novitiate. It's certainly not flawless. I worked in collaboration with S.V. Guokas. Hope you all enjoy! I'm aware that it lacks SATB, proper organ scoring, and a Gloria...but I'm working with what I have (both intellectually, time-wise, and equipment-wise).

    This Mass setting came out of my close spiritual bond with Father Solanus Casey. It is very inspiring to know that a Venerable (soon-to-be Blessed!) trod the same path as I have.

    "Mass in honor of Fr. Solanus Casey"
    by Br. Joe Babcock, OFM Cap. and S.V. Guokas
    Accompaniment score and congregational booklet are attached to this post.

    If this setting is dragged, it can come off as overly-dark. It should be sung lightly and with a decent pace. You will find the most distinguishing (and perhaps frustrating!) feature is the transition from the P5 to the Major 6th (A-natural). If you play the accompaniment, you will see how the harmonics transition at that point. I stand by that produces an interesting effect.

  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    It is wonderful to hear about anything connected with Venerable Fr. Solanus. I grew up,in Detroit and many time came to the monastery. I have read everything I could get about him.
    He was a a fiddle player and loved music, so it seems fitting that we could claim him for our patron saint of Sacred Music.
    Posts: 40
    Thank you for sharing your Mass Setting! Upon first sight (and enjoyment) I wondered, do you have a preference for the instrumental introduction of each Mass part? As an organist this is a decision I often have to make if it is not indicated by the composer with a specific bracket or by a written introduction.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    I would be willing to do a SATB version if you like, just let me know...
    Gregory Hamilton