Music for School Mass (most Fridays)
  • We have school Mass every Friday (Saint John the Beloved, McLean VA) and this is the second full year we have introduced the Introit and Communion antiphons sung at this particular Mass. It is very simple, so simple that our Treble Choir (grades 3-5) and Middle School scholas (grades 6-8, boys and girls) just rehearse everything 20 minutes before Mass. They are on a three-week rotation which is nice so nothing is too routine.

    I have these printed out on one sheet of paper, folded and front to back, and the students keep them inside the hymnal (in other words, no use of binders).

    If anyone is interested, I will post these the week prior.

    October 20 - Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest
  • For a school Mass, this is excellent.
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • KyleM18
    Posts: 150
    This is worlds above what most schools do... Thank you for this! Now, if only we could get more schools to do stuff like this...