Requiem Gregorian propers translated into Spanish
  • Good afternoon, everyone,

    I am looking for a (preferably free) resource for Spanish translations of the Gregorian Latin propers for the Mass for the Dead. Any ideas? I would like to make Latin-Spanish translation sheets for funerals at our parish, but I can't seem to find ANY resource, short of perhaps buying a $50 Latin-Spanish missal, which seems overkill in cost for my task at hand. The Novus Ordo Roman Missal, at least the English edition, from what I've seen, does not follow the same propers, so I assume looking at the Spanish equivalent will not yield the proper translations (pun intended).

    Currently, we do Ordinary Form funerals, so I don't need the sequence, just the Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, and Communion. Of course, if anyone here has a 1962 Latin-Spanish missal and would like to type out the translations here, that would make things super easy for me.

    I'm just surprised how easy it is to find a million websites with English translations but zero for Spanish. I've even found sites that have other languages but Spanish is a no-go.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Where have you been looking, or should we ask which specific translation do you need?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    Janet Gorbitz's project of Spanish propers has texts for All Souls Day:
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • I've been looking everywhere but the page you just posted... haha I think part of the problem is that I've been using search terms in English, which would probably not yield actual Spanish pages.

    As far as specific translations, I just need a good literal Spanish translation of the Latin, as it is for informational use and not for liturgical responses on the part of the congregation. Basically so that they know what the Latin means when it's chanted. The question that I have, then, is this: is the Spanish in the page you posted the same Spanish as understood by my congregation...? Maybe that's a stupid question, but I just assume that since Mexico and Spain have different approved translations of the Missale Romanum, there would be some language differences. In other words, if the translation you provided is a more "continental Spanish" (forgive me for my lack of knowledge about forms of the language) would a predominantly Latin American congregation find the language intelligible? I'm way out of my competency since I know little to nothing of either form of Spanish.

    My congregation has a significant Latin American population, for the sake of clarity. If the translations you pointed to would work just fine, I'll use those. I have to trust those here who know more than I do regarding the language. Give me French or Italian and I'm good. Spanish, not so much.
  • chonak, that's really cool. Thanks! It doesn't have all of the propers though, so I can see how it's a work in progress. It'll be awesome when it's done!

    However, it's good that you posted it, because that resource points out the issue I mentioned above: the introit is a different translation than the one on the Wikipedia page. So the question remains: which form would be more appropriate for a Latin American congregation?
  • Actually, what's even stranger is that the Introit and the Gradual have the same Latin text and yet the translations given on the Wikipedia page are different between the two. The translation given in the Gradual is the one used in the project chonak posted. I have no idea why "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis" would be translated in two different ways on the same page.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    The first sentence of the Introit and the Gradual is the same; they differ after that point. But yes, there's no obvious reason for Wikipedia to present different Spanish translations for the same Latin invocation.

    I think the Spanish missal text Janet is using (from a web site) comes from European Spanish, but the differences in liturgical texts are likely to be minor and not affect anyone's understanding of the text.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Advanced Google Book Search turned up a Misal Romano from Madrid, 1851.

    See p. 136 for the Requiem Mass.
    Thanked by 2eft94530 mlabarre
  • Pretty cool. I've pieced together most of what I need, from various sources. I still can't find the Subveníte anywhere. I should be able to find that in the Spanish ritual book for the dead, since I believe that's part of the O.F. funeral rite. Unfortunately, that entails a special trip to get ahold of that book to make a copy of that page, but not much I can do about that.

    If only I had a 1962 Missal with Latin-Spanish, I believe I'd be all set. Alas, I don't.
  • Here's the text from my Spanish/Latin missal:

    R. Venid en su ayuda, Santos de Dios; salidle al encuentro, Ángeles del Señor: Recibid su alma, Y ofrecedla a la presencia del Altísimo.

    V. Recíbate, Cristo, que te ha llamado, y te lleven los Ángeles al seno de Abraham.

    R. Recibid...

    V. Dale, Señor, el descanso eterno: y brille para él (ella) la luz eterna.

    R. Y ofrecedla...
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    I realize that @mlabarre is only seeking Spanish translations for insertion in orders of worship. Still, approved translations should be used if they are available. And that 1851 edition of the Misal Romano, while being a wonderful find (!!), is not something to be used. Even folks in Madrid do not use several of the expressions in that translation today, for instance, the plural form of the singular imperative addressed to God: dadle. Spain uses "dale," as does the USA.

    Regarding the Subvenite, there is an official translation in the USA's Spanish edition of the Ritual de Exequias Cristianas:

    ¡Vengan en su ayuda, santos de Dios! ¡Salgan a su encuentro, ángeles del Señor!
    Reciban su alma, y preséntenla ante el Altísimo.

    V. Cristo, que te llamó, te reciba; y los ángeles te conduzcan al regazo de Abrahán.

    R. Reciban...

    V. Concédele, Señor, el descanso eterno, y brille para él (ella) la luz perpetua.

    R. Reciban...

    @mlabarre, if you'd like me to review the texts you have, please send me a personal message.