Seat of Wisdom College Music Position
    Posts: 2
    Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) seeks to fill a position in music for the 2018-2019 academic year. The position will remain open until filled, and is subject to budgetary approval. This is a full-time, tenure stream position at the Assistant Professor level, to begin July 1, 2018. Potential candidates are encouraged to apply immediately.

    All candidates must have completed a master’s degree in music, or its equivalent. Preference will be given to candidates with a doctorate in music, or ABD. Candidates must be able to teach a range of academic music courses, including music theory and music history. All instructors at SWC are expected to affirm in writing their fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and to teach in full accord with it. As well, candidates for this position are expected to be familiar with the Church’s teachings and regulations regarding liturgical music and the prudent application thereof.

    Applications will be strengthened by the presence of some or all of the following:
    • A record of successful direction of choirs
    • An understanding of the connections between ecclesiastical music and the liberal arts
    • Experience teaching at the university level
    • Some experience in academic administration
    • The ability to teach: Gregorian chant, polyphony, organ, hymnody, piano, and voice
    • Familiarity with the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the Roman Rite
    • Music at the parochial level
    • Publications, both popular and scholarly, commensurate with experience

    Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College offers higher education in the Catholic tradition of the liberal arts. SWC was granted degree-granting authority by the Province of Ontario in May 2017.
    Salary is commensurate with experience, within the context of SWC’s nature as a non-profit apostolate. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

    To apply, please send, by mail or electronically, a curriculum vitae, cover letter, three letters of recommendation (two academic and one pastoral), and a one- or two-page statement of how your faith informs and shapes your teaching, scholarship and professional practice to:

    Dr. Jacob P. Ellens
    Academic Dean
    Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College
    P.O. Box 249, 18 Karol Wojtyla Square
    Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0 Canada
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,191
    Re-posting on request from the originator.
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