...poorly educated...
the average priest in a typical mediaeval village likely had only been taught how to speak the Latin words of the mass,
Is there a priest in your region who would start one?
TLM: I cannot end the interview without asking your reaction to a well-worn canard. There are those critics of the ancient Latin Mass who point out that the crisis in the Church developed at a time when the Mass was offered throughout the world. Why should we then think its revival is intrinsic to the solution?
AVH:: The devil hates the ancient Mass. He hates it because it is the most perfect reformulation of all the teachings of the Church. It was my husband who gave me this insight about the Mass. The problem that ushered in the present crisis was not the traditional Mass. The problem was that priests who offered it had already lost the sense of the supernatural and the transcendent. They rushed through the prayers, they mumbled and didn’t enunciate them. That is a sign that they had brought to the Mass their growing secularism. The ancient Mass does not abide irreverence, and that was why so many priests were just as happy to see it go.
I and many see this assertion as holding no water. As we are all too aware, Bugnini and friends (including his cohort Deiss) admitted to the destruction (not the reform) of the Mass as it was always carried from generation to generation.What I am saying is that too many will not accept the lawfulness of the NO, and view the Tridentine mass as the only "real" liturgy. It isn't. Both are "real" and lawful, as they should be. The Church does have the right to reform its liturgy. Whether or not they did it well is open to question, but they certainly had the right.
Funny you should ask. The recent formal request for an EF in our parish was denied by the bishop. The priest who was going to celebrate the EF was unexpectedly transferred out of our parish as he made the announcement last week somewhat in tears. The vitriol toward the holy and ancient Roman rite is diabolical. It is the proponents of the new rite that foment these divisions and schisms.Is there a priest in your region who would start one?
Funny you should ask. The recent formal request for an EF in our parish was denied by the bishop. The priest who was going to celebrate the EF was unexpectedly transferred out of our parish as the announcement was made last week. The vitriol toward the holy and ancient Roman rite is diabolical.
The vitriol toward the holy and ancient Roman rite is diabolical. It is the proponents of the new rite that foment these divisions and schisms.
I and many see this assertion as holding no water. As we are all too aware, Bugnini and friends (including his cohort Deiss) admitted to the destruction (not the reform) of the Mass as it was always carried from generation to generation.
It is also a bit ironic that the Easterns (e.g., the Greek Orthodox) have a VERY ossified and ancient liturgy. I've been to a few, and I know....closed gates, GREEK-speak....
So what you are saying is that your "concern" gives you and any other prelate the right to change and alter the liturgy that was handed down to us and banish its use from the very Church from which it was created." Correct me if I am wrong about this speculation.What does concern me is the tendency of some to idolize the externals in the TLM. Remove any item no longer of any real use and one would think the faith was being destroyed.
And also please define "real use," without referring to an Eastern Rite.
Correct me if I am wrong about this speculation.
So, by "real use," you meant "secular connection."
This is why willing priests are scared to try.
§2. It is for the Apostolic See to order the sacred liturgy of the universal Church, publish liturgical books and review their translations in vernacular languages, and exercise vigilance that liturgical regulations are observed faithfully everywhere.
Can. 846 §1. In celebrating the sacraments the liturgical books approved by competent authority are to be observed faithfully; accordingly, no one is to add, omit, or alter anything in them on one’s own authority.
Yes, but one does not have to return to the pre-Vatican II liturgy to worship God. Follow the rubrics in the NO, take no shortcuts, refuse to put up with silliness, and as I often say, follow the book.
I'm also not so naive...
About those maniples, Charles -
They are worn in the Ordinariate.
These people, these people who think that they are Vatican II people but aren't, would act out their impiety on whatever mass was available to them - and if the Tridentine mass were all that was at hand, it would be treated with the same calumny that they visit upon the unfortunate Novus Ordo.
It's like steam locomotives. If steam locomotives were still around in regular daily use they'd be gritty and sooty and oily and filthy; in the day, there were plenty of rushed, sloppy Masses.
...were originally...
Just kidding, of course. A priest once told me maniples were originally hand towels.
There is no "Latin" culture in the west and it died out long ago.
Not even the Greeks speak Ionic, Charles.
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