Illuminare Score Editor down?
  • Is the Illuminare score editor down? Every time I try to create a pdf, I get this message no matter which browser I use:

    {"error":"sh: \/home\/sacredmusic\/bin\/gregorioSVN: \/lib\/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory"}
  • Same here.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814
    Yes, it does appear to be down, although you can download the code...

    See this thread for other options,

    Ben can you help, @bbloomf
  • bbloomf
    Posts: 70
    Yes, I'm working on it.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • splendid that others are working on resolving this
    Thanked by 2tomjaw bhcordova
  • bbloomf
    Posts: 70
    Sorry that took so long, but I just got it up and working again.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,703
    Thank you for letting us know!
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I was just trying to figure out how to use this this week. I'm trying to print the Benedictus and Magnificat in each mode. The Benedictus is working fine, but the Magnificat is not exporting to a PDF. I was able to create a PNG file, but not a PDF.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I just tried again with some other texts (from the Pslam tone tool). Other texts are working fine, but not the Magnificat.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814
    I have just tried two tones and it is creating the Magnificat as a pdf.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I don't know. It works fine for all the other texts, just not the Magnificat. It looks fine in the preview, but when I click on the generate PDF button it comes out all scrambled.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    It starts with the following: {"file":"tmp\/gregorio5931cb2d009787.64741508.tex","error":"\n\nThis is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.76.0-2013052800
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    If you post your GABC code here, other people can try it out and perhaps help find the problem.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I was just using the Psalm tone tool, which seems to link directly to the Illuminare Score editor.

    centering-scheme: latin;
    name: Magnificat-1f;
    initial-style: 1;
    annotation: 1.f;
    user-notes: Magnificat.;
    (c4)Ma(f)gní(gh)fi(h)cat(h.) \greheightstar(:) á(h)ni(h)ma(h) me(g)a(f) (gh)mi(gr)num.(gf..) (::)
    2. Et(f) ex(gh)sul(h)tá(h)vit(h) spí(ixi)ri(hr)tus(h) me(g hr)us(h.) \greheightstar(:) in(h) De(h)o(h) sa(h)lu(h)(g)ri(f) me(gh gr)o.(gf..) (::)
    3. Qui(f)a(gh) re(h)spé(h)xit(h) hu(h)mi(h)li(h)tá(h)tem(h) an(h)cíl(ixi hr)læ(h) su(g hr)æ:(h.) \greheightstar(:) ec(h)ce(h) e(h)nim(h) ex(h) hoc(h) be(h)á(h)tam(h) me(h) di(h)cent(h) om(h)nes(h) ge(h)ne(h)ra(g)ti(f)ó(gh gr)nes.(gf..) (::)
    4. Qui(f)a(gh) fe(h)cit(h) mi(h)hi(h) ma(ixi)gna(hr) qui(h) po(g)tens(hr) est:(h.) \greheightstar(:) et(h) san(h)ctum(h) no(g)men(f) e(gh gr)jus.(gf..) (::)
    5. Et(f) mi(gh)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) e(h)jus(h) a(h) pro(h)gé(h)ni(h)e(h) in(ixi hr) pro(h)(g)ni(hr)es(h.) \greheightstar(:) ti(h)mén(h)ti(g)bus(f) e(gh gr)um.(gf..) (::)
    6. Fe(f)cit(gh) po(h)tén(h)ti(h)am(h) in(h) brá(ixi)chi(hr)o(h) su(g hr)o:(h.) \greheightstar(:) di(h)spér(h)sit(h) su(h)pér(h)bos(h) men(h)te(h) cor(g)dis(f) su(gh gr)i.(gf..) (::)
    7. De(f)pó(gh)su(h)it(h) po(h)tén(ixi)tes(hr) de(h) se(g hr)de,(h.) \greheightstar(:) et(h) e(h)xal(h)(g)vit(f) (gh)mi(gr)les.(gf..) (::)
    8. E(f)su(gh)ri(h)én(h)tes(h) im(h)plé(ixi hr)vit(h) bo(g hr)nis:(h.) \greheightstar(:) et(h) dí(h)vi(h)tes(h) di(h)mí(h)sit(g) i(f)(gh gr)nes.(gf..) (::)
    9. Su(f)scé(gh)pit(h) Is(h)ra(h)ël(h) (ixi)e(hr)rum(h) su(g hr)um,(h.) \greheightstar(:) re(h)cor(h)dá(h)tus(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(g)æ(f) su(gh gr)æ.(gf..) (::)
    10. Si(f)cut(gh) lo(h)cú(h)tus(h) est(h) ad(h) pa(ixi hr)tres(h) no(g hr)stros,(h.) \greheightstar(:) A(h)bra(h)ham(h) et(h) sé(h)mi(h)ni(h) e(h)jus(g) in(f) s{'ae}(gh)cu(gr)la.(gf..) (::)
    11. Gló(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(ixi)tri,(hr) et(h) (g)li(hr)o,(h.) \greheightstar(:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(g)i(f) San(gh gr)cto.(gf..) (::)
    12. Si(f)cut(gh) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(ixi hr) et(h) sem(g hr)per,(h.) \greheightstar(:) et(h) in(h) s{'ae}(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)(g)rum.(f) A(gh gr)men.(gf..) (::)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    The <v> and <sp> tags disappear when you post them to the forum, unless you mark them up right. That should be:
    centering-scheme: latin;
    name: Magnificat-1f;
    initial-style: 1;
    annotation: 1.f;
    user-notes: Magnificat.;
    (c4)Ma(f)gní(gh)fi(h)cat(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) á(h)ni(h)ma(h) <i>me</i>(g)<i>a</i>(f) <b>Dó</b>(gh)mi(gr)num.(gf..) (::)
    2. Et(f) ex(gh)sul(h)tá(h)vit(h) <b>spí</b>(ixi)ri(hr)tus(h) <b>me</b>(g hr)us(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) in(h) De(h)o(h) sa(h)lu(h)<i>tá</i>(g)<i>ri</i>(f) <b>me</b>(gh gr)o.(gf..) (::)
    3. Qui(f)a(gh) re(h)spé(h)xit(h) hu(h)mi(h)li(h)tá(h)tem(h) an(h)<b>cíl</b>(ixi hr)læ(h) <b>su</b>(g hr)æ:(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) ec(h)ce(h) e(h)nim(h) ex(h) hoc(h) be(h)á(h)tam(h) me(h) di(h)cent(h) om(h)nes(h) ge(h)ne(h)<i>ra</i>(g)<i>ti</i>(f)<b>ó</b>(gh gr)nes.(gf..) (::)
    4. Qui(f)a(gh) fe(h)cit(h) mi(h)hi(h) <b>ma</b>(ixi)gna(hr) qui(h) <b>po</b>(g)tens(hr) est:(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) et(h) san(h)ctum(h) <i>no</i>(g)<i>men</i>(f) <b>e</b>(gh gr)jus.(gf..) (::)
    5. Et(f) mi(gh)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) e(h)jus(h) a(h) pro(h)gé(h)ni(h)e(h) <b>in</b>(ixi hr) pro(h)<b>gé</b>(g)ni(hr)es(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) ti(h)mén(h)<i>ti</i>(g)<i>bus</i>(f) <b>e</b>(gh gr)um.(gf..) (::)
    6. Fe(f)cit(gh) po(h)tén(h)ti(h)am(h) in(h) <b>brá</b>(ixi)chi(hr)o(h) <b>su</b>(g hr)o:(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) di(h)spér(h)sit(h) su(h)pér(h)bos(h) men(h)te(h) <i>cor</i>(g)<i>dis</i>(f) <b>su</b>(gh gr)i.(gf..) (::)
    7. De(f)pó(gh)su(h)it(h) po(h)<b>tén</b>(ixi)tes(hr) de(h) <b>se</b>(g hr)de,(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) et(h) e(h)xal(h)<i>tá</i>(g)<i>vit</i>(f) <b>hú</b>(gh)mi(gr)les.(gf..) (::)
    8. E(f)su(gh)ri(h)én(h)tes(h) im(h)<b>plé</b>(ixi hr)vit(h) <b>bo</b>(g hr)nis:(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) et(h) dí(h)vi(h)tes(h) di(h)mí(h)<i>sit</i>(g) <i>i</i>(f)<b>ná</b>(gh gr)nes.(gf..) (::)
    9. Su(f)scé(gh)pit(h) Is(h)ra(h)ël(h) <b>pú</b>(ixi)e(hr)rum(h) <b>su</b>(g hr)um,(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) re(h)cor(h)dá(h)tus(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)<i>di</i>(g)<i>æ</i>(f) <b>su</b>(gh gr)æ.(gf..) (::)
    10. Si(f)cut(gh) lo(h)cú(h)tus(h) est(h) ad(h) <b>pa</b>(ixi hr)tres(h) <b>no</b>(g hr)stros,(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) A(h)bra(h)ham(h) et(h) sé(h)mi(h)ni(h) e(h)<i>jus</i>(g) <i>in</i>(f) <b>s{<sp>'ae</sp>}</b>(gh)cu(gr)la.(gf..) (::)
    11. Gló(f)ri(gh)a(h) <b>Pa</b>(ixi)tri,(hr) et(h) <b>Fí</b>(g)li(hr)o,(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)<i>tu</i>(g)<i>i</i>(f) <b>San</b>(gh gr)cto.(gf..) (::)
    12. Si(f)cut(gh) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) <b>nunc</b>,(ixi hr) et(h) <b>sem</b>(g hr)per,(h.) <v>\greheightstar</v>(:) et(h) in(h) s{<sp>'ae</sp>}(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)<i>ló</i>(g)<i>rum</i>.(f) <b>A</b>(gh gr)men.(gf..) (::)
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    Pro tip: Submit just the first six verses. If they produce a score successfully, then submit just the last six verses. Repeat for smaller groups of verses until you have identified a line that by itself triggers the error message.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    On a tangent: the interface at allows one to transpose lilypond editions (such as Pothárn Imre's or without installing the program. It has been only intermittently available lately.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Since being restored to service after being down (May 31/June 1), the Illuminare Score Editor has not allowed me to enter code for Roman letters (litterae significativae or Choral signs, as they are called at Gregorio-Project) without generating an error message. That is, one or two instances are accepted, but after about the third one, the Editor stops being able to produce a pdf and I get the error message.

    Here is an example. This code goes through just fine:

    user-notes: Communio;
    commentary: SS. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli;
    annotation: VI;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    (c4) TU(f) es(df) Pe(fgff)trus,(-c!d[cs:a]/c) *(,) et(d) su(f[cs:t]//fg)per(f) hanc(f) pe(f/g[cs:a]/f)tram(f) (,) æ(f)di(fs!gshv)fi(h/g)cá(g)bo(fgf/d) (,) Ec(ds)clé(f//fg)si(f)am(fs!gshgh/g>) me(fs!gs!hvgs!fsg)am.(g/f) (::)

    But if I add in just one more of these: [cs:a], it stops working, as in:

    (c4) TU(f) es(df) Pe(fgff)trus,(-c!d[cs:a]/c) *(,) et(d) su(f[cs:t]//fg)per(f) hanc(f) pe(f/g[cs:a]/f)tram(f) (,) æ(f)di(fs!gshv)fi(h/g)cá(g)bo(fgf[cs:a]/d) (,) Ec(ds)clé(f//fg)si(f)am(fs!gshgh/g>) me(fs!gs!hvgs!fsg)am.(g/f) (::)

    Is there a fix for this problem?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    Not a fix, but a workaround: that GABC code works at .
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen