Benediction Sheet
  • Benediction is present on the inside back cover of OCP's Breaking Bread with music spread out through the book. Hard to follow.

    Using two settings that have been popular over the years, I've created a free sheet that you may download as Benediction was practiced in many churches, including the O Salutaris and Tantum Ergo in full notation for SATB.

    If you would have a look and check out details (yes, I admit to being less than wonderful when it comes to proof-reading) I will correct and leave it up at for downloading if you might find it useful.

    This is created from common practice and is not Gregorian Chant based.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    Good job! I'll send proofreading comments by e-mail.
  • kelly
    Posts: 8
    I'm planning a Marian prayer service at our church in Lowell, MA to be held in May. The service so far includes Marian hymns, a short lecture on the rosary, praying the rosary, and chanting the Litany of Loreto in Latin. We (members of the Sodality of the BVM) want to add a Benediction service to this, but our parish priest is reluctant to do so. What are the rules about Benediction services? Can a deacon perform the Benediction or only a priest? Is Benediction limited to being part of a specific worship service, such as Mass or Vespers or Compline, or is it allowed to add to our "unoffical" prayer service? Any ideas on how to persuade our parish priest to let us do this? Your ideas are greatly appreciated.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    Hi, Miss Kelly!

    What you describe sounds like a very normal Holy Hour. I'm surprised that a priest doesn't realize that Benediction may be a part of it.

    Exposition and Benediction of the Holy Eucharist is a rite by itself and need not be associated with Mass or the Office. The Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction is in a book called "Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass", issued in 1973.

    The rite says that between the exposition and the benediction "there should be prayers, songs, and readings to direct the attention of the faithful to the worship of Christ the Lord." It is praiseworthy to include scripture readings, a homily or other exhortation, singing, silence, or part of the Liturgy of the Hours. Perhaps it would be suitable to pray part of Vespers of the Little Office of the BVM.

    The ordinary minister of exposition is the priest or deacon. If neither is available, an acolyte or a delegated lay person may perform the exposition and reposition, but may not give the blessing with the sacrament.
  • Mr. Jones,
    We are planning to use the pdf. you provided for Benediction following Stations of the Cross next Friday. I see there are two "alleluias" in the text. Are these to be omitted during Lent? Are we to substitute another response? Thank you for your kind assistance.
  • Yes, that's what the ( ) indicate....just omit them during Lent.

    But not Advent.

    And Bridget, since you are planning a Marian Novena, I'd like to send you something....just send me your mailing address at