6th Easter Vespers
  • I am spinning my wheels, trying to find Gregorian settings of the antiphons for Vespers (II) for the sixth Sunday of Easter this year (May 21st, 2017). I've checked the Universals app (Latin translation), and matched that against http://www.ibreviary.org/, and they agree with each other, so I think I have the right texts. ("Suscitávit Christum a mórtuis, et constítuit ad déxteram suam in cæléstibus, alleluia.", "A simulácris convérsi estis ad Deum vivum, alleluia.", "Allelúia, salus et glória et virtus Deo nostro, alleluia.") But I haven't found a single setting, even in Dominican chant, even in any of the many resources I bookmarked here back in 2013, the last time I tried to organize a proper Vespers.

    What am I doing wrong? Are these antiphons all new, post-counsel, for which no chant yet exists? I'm working on getting a copy of this through my library: https://www.paracletepress.com/Products/Default.aspx?bookid=3000R2. Does anyone know if there will indeed be settings there?
  • (Extra bonus points if you know why I can't even find these texts using http://musicasacra.com/2008/08/ordo-cantus-officii-1983/. I swear I knew how to do this, once.....)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    The new second edition of "Ordo Cantus Officii" (2015; ISBN 978-88-209-9593-5) gives different texts for the antiphons when the Office is sung (surprise!) and the Antiphonale book accords with those specifications, so I'd use that.

    Thanks for mentioning that outdated page about the 1983 OCO; I've updated it to warn people off the old edition.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Here's the material for Easter VI:
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Wow! Thanks so much Chonak!

    And a new edition of the OCO. How about that.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    And you could check out Gregobase to find the some of the melodies already typeset:
