Indulgences for CMAA Members?
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    From Hayburn's Papal Legislation on Sacred Music, p. 130:

    In 1876 Archbishop Henni petitioned the Holy Father to grant the members of the [American Society of St. Cecilia] a plenary indulgence on the feast of St. Cecilia. The answer:

    (From an audience given by His Holiness, May 28, 1876)

    Reference being made by the undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fidei, His Holiness Pope Pius IX graciously deigned to grant to all the members of the American Cecilian Society a plenary indulgence in accordance with this prayer (petition) on condition that having contritely confessed their sins and received Holy Communion in a church in which the Society is established, they pray devoutly according to the intention of His Holiness.

    Given at Rome in the above-mentioned Sacred Congregation, date as above.

    Cardinal Alexander Franchi, Prefect.

    Footnote: A Brief Exposition of the Aims of the St. Cecilia Society in the United States (Milwaukee: Milwaukee Seebothe Book and Job Printing House, 1880), p. 35


    1. Was the indulgence only available that year, or was it available every year on St. Cecilia's Day?
    2. If every year, does it apply to CMAA members now as the CMAA was formed by the union of the St. Cecilia and St. Gregory societies?
    3. If not, can the CMAA petition Rome now for indulgences for its members on the two patronal days?
  • wow, that is a great find.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,181
    I doubt that it's still in force. The 1967 Apostolic Constitution on indulgences decreed that indulgences for members of particular pious associations of the faithful would have to be requested again within a year or become null. (Norms 14 and 20).

    One can always ask the CMAA's local ordinary to petition. But I think a new grant of an indulgence would probably have to specify new conditions for obtaining it. Most members lack reasonable access to a church where (a chapter of) the CMAA is established, so that condition could be broadened to any parish church.
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