We Did This At Our Cathedral, Parish, Village, or Country Church on Laetare Sunday -
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham

    Edmund Murray - Choirmaster and Organist

    Choral Mattins
    Anthem - O bone Jesu - - - M.A. Ingengneri

    Solemn High Mass

    Organ Voluntary - Largo, from Trio Sonata I - - - J.S. Bach
    At the Entrance - Hymn: 'O Love, How Deep' - - - Deus tuorum militum
    The Introit - Laetare Jerusalem - - - Tone VII (Anglican Use Gradual)

    Kyrie - Cum jubilo - - - Mode I

    Psalm XXIII - Dominus regit me - - - Chant, James Turle
    The Tract - Qui confidunt - - - Tone VIII (AUG)

    The Nicene Creed - - - - Recto tono

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon: Laudate Dominum - - - Tone II (AUG)
    Anthem: 'I to the Hills Lift Up MIne Eyes' - - - Jean Berger

    Sanctus - Mass IX - - - Mode V

    The Our Father - - - Mode VII

    Agnus Dei - Mass IX - - - Mode V

    At the Communion -
    The Trisagion - - - A.A. Archangelsky*
    The Antiphon: Lutum fecit - - - Tone I (AUG)
    Anthem: 'Mine Eyes for Beauty Pine' - - - Herbert Howells
    Hymn: 'O Lord, Whose All-Searching Light' - - - Grace Church

    At the Dismissal - Hymn: 'Rejoice, O Land' - - - Wareham
    Organ Voluntary - Fugue in G-minor - - - J.S. Bach

    Solemn Choral Evensong
    Second Evensong of the Fourth Sunday in Lent

    Organ Voluntary - Choral Paraphrase on Attende Domine - - - Jeanne Demessieux
    Introit - Miserere mei Deus - - - William Byrd

    The Preces - - - Orlando Gibbons

    The Office Hymn - 'Now let us all with one accord' - - - Plainsong, Mode I

    The Psalter -
    Psalm XIX: Caeli ennarant gloriam Dei - - - Chant, Samuel Seb. Wesley
    Psalm XLVI: Deus noster refugium et virtus - - - Chant, Sir George Job Elvey

    Magnificat - - - Arvo Part
    Nunc Dimittis - - - William Byrd

    The Prayers and Suffrages - - - John Barnard

    The Anthem - 'Cast Me Not Away' - - - Samuel Seb. Wesley

    The Marian Antiphon - Ave Regina caelorum - - - Peter Philips

    At the Dismissal - Hymn: 'Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise' - - - Ellers
    Organ Voluntary - Praeludium in C-minor, BWV 546 - - - J.S. Bach

    *The Archangelsky Trisagion is sung by all, many of whom sing SATB.

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Our Lady of Czestochowa
    Turners Falls MA

    "High Mass": 10:30 AM (St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers)

    Prelude: Improvisation
    Introit Hymn: Rejoice, Jerusalem, rejoice (JESU DULCIS) -- K. Pluth
    Kyrie: Mass XVII (C in the newer Kyrials - the mode VI)
    Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd -- R. Rice
    Tract: Those who trust -- arr. H. Gaida from Grad. Cisterciense
    Offertory: Praise the Lord for he is good -- setting iv, Weber
    Hymn: Ach moj Jezu
    Sanctus: Mass XVII
    Acclamation: We proclaim - Missal setting
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVII
    Communion: The Lord anointed -- setting i, Weber
    Anthem: Lord for thy tender mercies sake -- Farrant/Hilton
    Hymn: Cierniami uwienczona
    Hymn: There's a wideness in God's mercy
    Interlude: Fugue in E minor -- Pachelbel
    Parish 'Antiphon': Apel Jasnagorskie
    Postlude: Auf meinen lieben Gott -- Pachelbel

    Gorzkie Zale: 2:00 PM

    Vespers: 4:00 PM
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    11:00 a.m. St. Luke Church, Palm Springs FL

    Prelude: O Mensch Bewein J.S. Bach
    Propers from Lumen Christi Missal
    Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei Mass for 4 voices W. Byrd
    Motet at the Offertory: Adoramus Te Lassus
    Hymn at Communion: The King of Love My Shepherd Is St. Columba
    Rec:Hymn: Take Up Your Cross
  • 12 Noon Mass, St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto
    Senior Choir
    Peter Mahon, Conductor
    William O'Meara, Organist

    Prière - Georges-Emile Tanguay
    Prayer - Fela Sowande

    Entrance Hymn:
    There's a Wideness in God's Mercy - COVERDALE


    from Die Deutsche Liturgie (Op. posth) - Mendelssohn

    Laudate Dominum - Rheinberger

    Antiphon: GR
    Responsory: Parce Domine
    Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd - Howard Goodall

    Concluding Hymn:
    The King of Love My Shepherd is - ST. COLUMBA

    Toccata - Eugène Gigout
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    Christ Episcopal Church Guilford, CT. 10:00 a. m.

    Prelude: Pie Jesu (from Organbook II) ... N. Rorem
    Processional: O for a thousand tongues to sing AZMON
    Kyrie : J. Merbecke*
    Psalm XXIII: Anglican chant...Lawes
    Sequence** hymn: I want to walk as a child of the light HOUSTON
    At the Offertory: Loving shepherd of Thy sheep ... P. Ledger
    Sanctus: J. Merbecke
    Agnus Dei: J. Merbecke
    Communion hymn: My shepherd will supply my need RESIGNATION
    Recessional hymn: Thou, whose almighty word MOSCOW
    Postlude: Chaconne in c minor BuxWV 159 ... D. Buxtehude

    *one of many alternate spellings—this taken from H1982. Congregation and choir sing these settings during Lent, with just a bare improvised accompaniment
    ** Some Episcopal churches refer to this as the Gradual hymn, which makes more sense

    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Solemn Mass (OF)
    High Mass Choir
    Ordinary: Mass XVI (Latin)
    Proper: English Gradual (Richard Rice)
    Motet: Call to remembrance (Farrant)
    Forty days and forty nights (Heinlein)
    My song is love unknown (Love Unknown)
    Take up thy cross (Breslau)
    Dialogue sur la trompette du grand clavier et sur la montre, le bourdon et le nazard du positif (Couperin, Messe pour les couvents)

    Missa Cantata (EF)
    Schola of the Chair of Saint Peter (gentlemen)
    Parish Ladies Schola
    Parish Choristers
    Ordinary: Mass in Mi (Dom Laurence Bévenot, OSB)
    Proper: Graduale Romanum
    Motet: Ave Regina celorum (Giovanni Rovetta)
    Dialogue sur la trompette du grand clavier et sur la montre, le bourdon et le nazard du positif (Couperin, Messe pour les couvents)
    Thanked by 1HeitorCaballero
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,189
    St John Paul II Student Centre, at St Michael's Church, Waterloo.

    Introit: Rejoice Jerusalem (Weber, The Proper of the Mass, Lent IV)
    Procession: O Day of God (FRANCONIA, CBW 586)
    Mass Ordinary: simplex, as in the Missal
    Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd (Malton)
    Tract: Out of the depths (Ford, By Flowing Waters, Lent IV)
    Offertory: It is good (Ford, ibid)
    Communion: I will go to the altar of God (Ford)
    Communion meditation: I Lift My Eyes (UPLIFTED EYES, CBW 484)
    Final: O Sun of Justice (WAREHAM, CBW 371)
    Ave Regina Caelorum
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Allegro in D Minor, Knuth
    Rejoice the Lord is King DARWALL'S 148th (at Masses where a hymn is sung before the proper)
    Laetare, Mode V (either GR or Kelly depending on Mass)
    Byrd a4 Kyrie
    Psalm/Acclamation LCM
    Laudate, Mode II GR
    Call to Remembrance, Farrant
    Sanctus XVIII
    Byrd a4 Agnus Dei
    Lutum, Mode VI G&T
    Communion LCM
    Lord for Thy Tender Mercy's Sake, Farrant
    Sing My Tongue the Song of Triumph PICARDY
    Improvisation on Picardy
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    St. Sebastian, Akron OH, 1PM TLM
    Hymn: O kind Creator, bow Thine ear (ST. BOTOLPH)
    Gregorian Propers, psalm-tone Tract
    Ordinary: Missa Rosa Mystica Op. 124 (Peter Griesbacher) (local premiere), Credo III
    Offertory: Rosa vernans (Verhelst)
    Communion: Ave verum corpus (Mozart/Montani)

  • >> Offertory: Rosa vernans (Verhelst) :-)
    Thanked by 1Jeffrey Quick
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    Stella Maris Church, Sullivan's Island, SC
    Steve Collins, Jack Cleghorn, & combined parish choirs

    5:30 EF High Mass (Semi-Solemn, Celebrant & Deacon)

    Introit: "Laetare Jerusalem"
    Antiphon & Psalm from Graduale (accompanied in Eb from "Nova Organi Harmonia")
    Antiphon repeat in Anglican Double chant (SMC drawn from the Byrd "Mass for 3 Voices 'Kyrie'"
    Doxology to Tone 5
    Antiphon to Anglican once more.

    "Kyrie" Byrd "Mass for 3 Voices" (6-fold version)(unaccompanied, of course)

    Gradual & Tract: Tone 3 Psalm Tone (accompanied Rossini & NOH versions)

    "Credo III"

    Offertory: from Graduale Romanum, accompanied (NOH)

    Motet: "Esxultate Juste" Viadana

    "Sanctus", "Benedictus", & "Agnus Die" Byrd "Mass for 3 Voices)

    Communion:"Jerusalim, quae aidficatur" tone 4 (NOH accompaniment, & verses)

    Motet:"Ave Verum Corpus" Byrd

    Recessional: "Jerusalem, My Happy Home" tune "Land of Rest"
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
    Maricopa, AZ
    8Am Mass OF

    Entrance Hymn - The Glory of These Forty Days
    Entrance Antiphon - Rejoice Jerusalem - LCM
    Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Accl from R&A
    Offertory - Praise the Lord for He is Good - LCM
    Communion chant - Lutum Fecit - GR
    Communion Antiphon - The Lord Anointed My Eyes - LCM
    Communion Hymn - Tantum Ergo - Kwasniewski
    Meditation - Ave Regina Coelorum
    Recessional - Lift High the Cross
  • St. John the Guardian of Our Lady Parish
    Clinton, MA
    10:30 "High Mass" (OF with St. John's Schola Cantorum)

    Introit: Laetare Ierusalem (GR)
    The King of Love (St. Columba)
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Psalm 23: Theodore Marier (w/ Tone 2 verses and fauxbourdon)
    Gospel Acclamation: Mass of St. Philip Neri (Paul Jernberg)
    What Wondrous Love is This: J. Gerald Philips
    Have Mercy, Lord, On Us (Southwell)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mortem Tuam: Roman Missal
    Great Amen: Roman Missal (expansion by MJD)
    Lord's Prayer: Roman Missal (English)
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communio: Lutum Fecit (GR)
    Psalm 27: Marier (w/ Tone 4 verses and fauxbourdon)
    Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy's Sake: Farrant
    Take Up Your Cross (Breslau)
    Improvisation on Breslau
  • KyleM18
    Posts: 150
    From my corner in Southern San Diego: Absolutely nothing of worth on this forum, but it is an improvement from before:

    Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church 5:00 "Youth" Vigil Mass
    Propers: Spoken from the Missal (Still working on getting chant)
    Entrance Hymn: Tree of Life (Haugen)
    Kyrie: Greek as found in RM2010
    Psalm/Acclamation: R&A, chanted by one of the few teens I know who can chant (and sing for that matter) correctly.
    Offertory Hymn: Open my eyes (The priest based his homily around this song, so we were voluntold to do it.)
    Euch Acc.: ICEL 2010
    Communion Hymn: Shepherd Me, O God (Yes, THAT version)
    Recessional Hymn: Change our Hearts


    Cathedral of St. Joseph, All Masses
    Propers: Spoken, depending on cantor
    Entrance Hymn: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
    Kyrie: Greek as found in RM2010
    Psalm/Acclamation: the WLP Settings, whatever they are called.
    Offertory Hymn: Earthen Vessels (The pastor made us do it! And it sounds bad on organ, but the pastor doesn't care.)
    Euch Acc.: German Mass (Proulx)
    Communion Hymns: You are mine (We are trying to wean the congregation off the piano-based music, I believe.)
    O Christe Domine Jesu (Taize)
    Recessional Hymn: There's a wideness in God's mercy

    Plus as a bonus, we are hiring an organist that is not nearly deaf!
  • ...we were voluntold...

    I'll remember that.
    May I use it, or do you have a speechright on it?
    Thanked by 2mattebery KyleM18
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    St Mary, Help of Christians
    Sleepy Eye, Minn.

    9.30 English Choral Mass

    Prelude: Rejoice, Jerusalem & Come (Introit Hymn, TRURO)
    Introit: Gregorian (English adapt. SMC)
    Processional: Be Thou My Vision
    Kyrie: Simple Dialogue Chant w/ Priest
    Psalm/G.A.: Respond & Acclaim
    Offertory Hymn: The King of Love My Shepherd Is
    Mass Parts: Mass XVIII w/ ICEL Mysterium & Danish Amen
    Communio: Gregorian (English adapt. SMC)
    Communion Hymn: Shepherd of Souls
    Communion Motet: Adoramus Te (Dubois)
    Recessional Hymn: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
    Postlude: Vesper Voluntaries, Introduction, Elgar

    11.30 EF Missa Cantata

    Prelude Hymn: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (HAMBURG)
    Asperges I
    Proper: Simpified Gregorian (Chants Abreges, Simple Introit, Full Communio, Offertory SATB psalmtone)
    Ordinary: Mass XVII
    Offertory Motet: Ave Regina Caelorum
    Communion Motet: Quis Sicut Te
    Recessional Hymn: The Glory of These Forty Days
    Postlude: Toccata per l'Elevazione, Frescobaldi
  • LenaH
    Posts: 34
    St. Patrick Parish
    Kokomo, IN

    All music sung acapella

    Processional: Parce Domine, with harmonization on response
    Kyrie: Mass XVII
    Psalm: Respond & Acclaim
    Gosp. Acclam: Simple chant
    Offertory: SEP (men and women alternating verses)
    Sanctus: Mass XVII
    Mem. Acclam: Mortem Tuam
    Lord's Prayer: Chanted
    Agnus Dei: Mass XII
    Communion: SEP (men and women alternating verses)
    O Jesus We Adore Thee (Fulda Melody)
    Recessional: Have Mercy, Lord on Us (Southwell)
  • KyleM18
    Posts: 150
    MJO: Feel free!
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • advocatusadvocatus
    Posts: 85
    St. Michael the Archangel, Leawood, Kansas
    Kevin Vogt, Director of Sacred Music

    Hymn: Hear Us, Almighty Lord (ATTENDE DOMINE)
    Introit: Laetare Jerusalem (Graduale Romanum)
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23 (Guimont)
    Gospel Acclamation: Praise and honor (Kyrie 'Orbis factor')
    Dismissal of the Elect: Let the Word make a home in your heart (Psallite)
    Offertory: Open Thou Mine Eyes (Rutter)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communio: Lutum fecit (Graduale Romanum)
    Motet: Beati quorum via (Stanford)
    Hymn: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (KINGSFOLD)
    Hymn: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (ST. FLAVIAN)
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    Heard at my parish, in case anyone is still feeling bad about it and needs cheering up.....

    Amazing Grace
    Christ Be Our Light
    All My Days (Schutte)
    Precious Lord, Take My Hand

    On a twangy guitar.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Oh my gosh I love the Stanford Beati Quorum Via Kevin. One of my favorites...