Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for Lent
  • Morning all

    just to let you know that we have music for all the Lent psalms and Gospel Acclamations available as a free download on, and you just need to click on the right button for the Canadian or US or UK or Australia/New Zealand version, whichever you need. Currently working through the Triduum, and that will be posted as soon as it's ready.
    Happy Lent to you all

    Kate Keefe
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Kate, I opened your site with anticipation to find 'no file found' for the Psalms. We are chanting Completorium Anglicanus on five consecutive Sundays during Lent. I"ve already selected and printed the scores for those programs( using four different vocal ensembles: ATBarB; SSAT; ATTBB; SATB) but wanted to compare your chants with ours.
    Thanks for doing this. It is, I'm sure a labor of love.
  • hello jefe

    thank you very much for this. Can you tell me what you clicked on so that we can fix it?
