roll-out/implementation plan for STTL
  • there was a gentleman I believe on here who is a DM in the southwest I think, who shared the link on his parish's website that showed a 3 year plan to implement the changes in Sing To The Lord. i'd like to consult that plan again, but I cannot remember the parish or individual in question.

    Would the owner kindly repost the link?

    thanks in advance
  • no one remembers whose parish I'm talking about :(
  • darth_linux: Here you go (and here's my writeup on it).

    (I knew this was familiar but didn't want to chime in till I found it.)
  • Postings on this forum represent the views of the individual participants and not necessarily those of the Church Music Association of America. (Some participants are not even members.)
  • thank you Aristotle!