Ordinariatus Personalis Cathedrae Sancti Petri (and other Ocassions that others wish to share) -
  • At the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham, Houston -
    We interrupted '-gesimatide' at Walsingham this morning with a festal solemn mass celebrating the Ordinariate's Feast of Title, namely, the Solemnity of the Chair of St Peter (transferred from the 22nd by Bishop Lopes).
    Our bishop was not with us this morning, but we had two visiting diocesan Roman seminarians from South Carolina in choir. They liked our liturgy 'very much'.

    (As on all our Solemnities, all three readings were chanted.)

    Organ Voluntary - Praeludium (in D-Major) - - - D. Buxtehude
    Hymn at the Entrance - 'The Church's One Foundation' - - - Aurelia

    The Introit - Statuit ei Dominus - - - Tone VII (AUG)

    Kyrie - - - Healey Willan
    Gloria - - - Healey Willan

    Psalm XXIII - Dominus regit me - - - Chant, Gerald Hocken Knight

    The Tract - Tu es Petrus - - - Tone VIII (AUG)

    The Offertory Antiphon - In omnem terram - - - Tone II (AUG)
    At the Offertory - Anthem, Ecce quam bonum et jocundum - - - Hans Leo Hassler

    Sanctus - - - Healey Willan
    Agnus Dei - - - Healey Willan

    The Communion Antiphon - Tu es Petrus - - - Tone I (AUG)
    At the Communion - Anthem, Tu es Petrus - - - Jacob Clemens non Papa
    Communion Hymn - 'The King of Love My Shepherd Is' - - - St Columba

    (Following the Dismissal -
    Solemn Te Deum - - - Chants, E.G. Monk and W. Croft

    Hymn - 'Praise to the Holiest in the Height' - - - Newman

    Organ Voluntary - Toccata on Newman - - - Improvisation

    So, next week we are back to purple for Quinquagesima!