Arizona/Southwest Chapter of CMAA
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    I hope and pray that these chapters take off.
    Anyone in the southwest interested please email athome at diocesephoenix dot org.
  • Adam--I think that it's time that we get together for another lunch! Maybe some other Phoenicians would like to join...
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    I would certainly hope so. Email me and let's arrange thusly!
  • paul
    Posts: 60
    I'd be interested in being in on that lunch too. Are you both active in parishes here in the Phoenix area?
  • AOZ yesterday suggested that all chapters have floats for the CMAA Colloquium parade! ha ha ha
  • is there a Pacific northwest chapter?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,500
    We could use regional wildflowers in altar floral arrangents.
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    Arizona actually has a surprisingly wonderful floral landscape. One of my choir members works for the "Arizona Botanical Gardens." Before I moved here I would have thought that to be an oxymoron. And hopefully soon it will have a blossoming chapter of the CMAA :)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,707
    here is mine!

    Gosh darn it!

    I have such trouble getting my attachments on the forum.... sorry!

    Shucks! My ftp app has also expired on this computer!

    So sorry!
  • get a free ftp app

    like fireftp
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    We need someone to design the big banner that is carried by two volunteers at the head of the parade. Right in front of the band. Early instruments? A Solfege choir? Goodness knows we have enough baton twirlers to go around...
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,500
    How will we tow Mary Jane's harp?