For some time, I have been struggling with the "source" hymnal for my work at St. Luke. Since I am both in the school and the parish, I wanted a source that I could use everywhere. The parish had the latest permutation of GIA's Gather but when I came, I was told to look for something else. After months of study and discussion, we will be using the St. Michael hymnal for our hymnody and Adam Bartlett's propers in English along with the Graduale. I feel this best accomplishes the vision for the program here as we are attempting to "reform' the liturgy here.
I am excited to say these things because I have been working a 'patchwork' system which has been terrifying to say the least. Since we sing Gregorian ordinaries, vernacular and Latin propers and hymnody, the placement and availabilty has been an ongoing administrative nightmare. That cloud has finally been lifted.
Now, if only Adam would get his gradual done.....hint, hint my friend.
Vatican II hymnal is not avialable. Adoremus and Worship 4 were problematic because of textual changes that I did not care for.
I have thrown out all of the music associated with Gather or Haugen/Haas or any other post VII trend. Its time to be rid of the junk.
While St. Michael is not perfect, it does retain texts and tunes worth singing. And for the record, we post music and readings on screens...not my favorite thing but there are much worse possibilites.
Rather than be picky, picky, picky about what others would do or prefer, we should rejoice that Kevin has made such good progress. The reasons for his choices have been stated. Let us congratulate him on his thoughtfulness and success.
If I had my "druthers" and the budget to do them, I would buy the St. Michael. Then I would buy the readings booklet for the year and put both in the pews.
At the parish where I am currently assigned, we use the St. Michael Hymnal. Before also needing a resource in Spanish, we used WLP/J.S. Paluch's Liturgy of the Word resource to complement the St. Michael Hymnal. It was well received. Other publishers publish similar annual (disposable, unfortunately) resources:
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