an extension of the hands
group cant
what would be problematic about all of the choir members raising their hands?
I suggest kindly that you rid yourself of the (adjective withheld) notion that a cantor (nor a choir) has as part of his or her or their responsibility the cueing by any means at all when the people are to sing their responsory. They know when. They are not idiots. They do know how to get through mass without instructions and prompts. And, lastly, this odious practice is tacky, ugly, amateurish, insulting, an eyesore, a blot on the liturgical aesthesis, and does exactly what no action by any 'ministerial' person at mass should do - calls attention to himself in a most unseemly and foolish manner.
I see the psalm between the readings (the Responsorial psalm or Gradual psalm as it is variously called) in the OF as being a piece of scripture which is proclaimed. As such hearing the words is paramount.
Choral chanting of the responsorial psalm is certainly allowed: … I know several places where it is done often.
I’m glad to hear it, because I’ve proposed Anglican chant for the psalm to our maestro: a) because I think it sounds good, b) because it seems to me a good way of singing the liturgy rather than accompanying it, which I’d say is what our choir generally does.This possibility is, if I recall, explicitly foreseen in the GIRM.
I was introduced to Anglican chant by joining a small choir after converting, maybe 7–8 people in all? They were all pretty used to it and staying together, and I didn’t find it particularly hard to join in without ruining it. It didn’t occur to me that it might be problematic with larger numbers. I think my choir now might be about 18 strong, and when we did try, we weren’t very together, but I think some of that may have been due to the maestro’s approach to the pointing. Ho hum.18 people singing the Psalm together … is too many.
Where is the not-exactly-Anglican-chant from?
wouldn't canting be the opposite of decanting? If so, wouldn't it be pouring spirits into the bottle?
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