Guatemalan Christmass Songs? Not liturgical
  • G
    Posts: 1,399
    The title says it all, and it's not really for ministry - does anyone know, or know of, any Guatemalan Christmass music, (not necessarily sacred,) preferably available free online?
    Friends have a sort-of sing-along, very wide-range of music, Bach chorales, Irving Berlin, 4 part a capella, kids squeaking out "Up on the Rooftop," and I get oped into any accompanying.
    There will be some new to the community, new to the country, Guatemalan families, and we would like to surprise them
    Thanks for any help.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • Hmmm.
    You might contact -
    Your local or nearest Guatemalan consul general?
    A professor of South American culture at your nearest university?
    The Guatemalan embassy in Washington?
    Try writing to, e-mailing, or calling the cathedral in Ciudad Guatemala.
    (One doesn't encounter Guatemalans just every day up here: this should be interesting.)