All Hallows - who did what?
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham

    The Solemnity of All Hallows
    1 November 2016
    Solemn Pontifical Mass

    The Most Rev Stephen J Lopes, Bishop - Celebrant
    The Very Rev Charles Hough, IV, Rector - In Choir
    The Rev Mr James Barnett - Deacon
    Timothy Caruthers, Instituted Acolyte - Sub-deacon
    Edmund Murray - Choirmaster and Organist
    The Cathedral Choir
    The Cathedral Schola Cantorum

    (All three readings were sung, normal for us on all solemnities)

    Organ Voluntary - - - - Improvisation

    In Procession - The Litany of the Saints

    The Introit - Gaudeamus - - - Mode I (Palmer-Burgess)

    Kyrie - Service in F - - - Harold Darke
    Gloria - Missa Sancti Mariae Magdelene - - - Healey Willan

    Psalm XXIV, Domini est terra - - - Chant, J Barnby

    Alleluya and Verse - Venite ad me - - - Mode VI (Anglican Use Gradual)

    The Nicene Creed - --- Recto tono, with organ embelishments

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Justorum animae - - - Mode I (Palmer-Burgess)
    Motet - O quam gloriosum - - - Tomas Luis de Victoria

    Sanctus and Benedictus - Service in F - - - Harold Darke

    Agnus Dei - Service in F - - - Harold Darke

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Beati mundo corde - - - Mode I (Palmer-Burgess)
    Anthem - 'Holy is the True Light' - - - William Henry Harris
    Hymn 585 - 'Jerusalem, My Happy Home' - - - Land of Rest

    At the Dismissal -
    Hymn 126 - 'For All the Saints, Who From Their Labours Rest' - - - Sine nomine

    Organ Voluntary - Sortie on Sine nomine - - - Improvisation


    An addendum - our friends will be delighted to know that our long-awaited rood screen will be installed during the next two weeks. It is said to be very elaborate, the finest ever made by the firm who have made it. Incidentally, some nosing around in this book and that has yielded the certainty that the eastern iconastasis was indeed a borrowing that developed from the western screen, which was an architectural feature common in western churches rather early on. Crowning the screen with a rood scene was a later development, very common in England, where the screen was retained long after it had begun to be discarded on the continent.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Prelude: Improvisation
    Introit: Let us all rejoice (Gaudeamus): Fr. Samuel Weber w/ simple refrain by Aristotle Esguerra
    Kyrie: Mass in F: W.A. Leonard
    Gloria: Missa de Angelis
    Alleluia: Mode II Melismatic from PBC
    Offertory: The souls of the just (Justorum animae): Fr. Weber
    Hymn: Pod Twa obrone, Ojcze na niebie
    Sanctus: more Ambrosiano
    Agnus Dei: Mass in F: W.A. Leonard
    Communion: Blessed are the clean of heart (Beati mundo corde): Fr. Weber
    Anthem: O sing unto the Lord: Lowell Mason
    Hymn at Communion: Jezusa ukrytego
    Hymn of praise: From all thy saints in warfare KING'S LYNN
    Recessional Hymn: For all the saints SINE NOMINE
    Postlude: Fantasia in C Major, BWV 570
    Thanked by 1Jeffrey Quick
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Incidentally, some nosing around in this book and that has yielded the certainty that the eastern iconastasis was indeed a borrowing that developed from the western screen, which was an architectural feature common in western churches rather early on.

    What was common in early western and eastern churches was a solid wall enclosing the Holy of Holies, just like the Jerusalem temple, with a door, of course. See the Gamber book for a reconstruction of what this looked like in the original St. Peter's. All the other variations, east and west, developed later. In the east, they started hanging icons on the wall. Those rood screens came along after the walls disappeared.

    All Saints: Had the day off and don't know what they did. The pastor said to enjoy it and not worry about it, so I did. My first day off since 2007.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    You've worked 7 days a week since 2007???
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Sundays and Holy Days masses since 2007, which was my last day off. From 2001 to 2007 I did take a few days off. I also do some work during the week, more admin and paperwork than playing. A former associate pastor often said I was the hardest working person in town. I admit to being a bit of a workaholic.

    Addition: Here is the downside to that when dealing with choir and cantor excuses.

    1. My dog died. Leave the dog, it will be there after you get home from mass.
    2. I have out of town visitors. Bring them with you. They need church, too.
    3. My car wont start. Call early enough that I can send someone to pick you up.
    4. The roads are bad. I live between two large hills and made it fine.
    5. I forgot to set the clock. Give me a break. That excuse hasn't worked since high school.
    6. My husband or wife died. OK, that one is legitimate. LOL.

  • Mass for All Hallows
    St. Joseph's Parish, Streetsville, ON
    Fr. Marc-André Campbell, Celebrant

    Processional: Around the Throne a Glorious Band (OLD HUNDREDTH)
    Introit: Let us all rejoice (Fr. Samuel Weber Introit)
    Kyrie/Gloria: Missa VIII
    Psalm: "Lord, this is the people" Thomas Barrett Armstrong refrain, Stephen Sommerville tone
    Offertory: "The Souls of the just"(Fr. Samuel Weber Offertory)
    Blest Are the Pure in Heart (FRANCONIA)
    Communion:"Blessed are the clean of heart" (Fr. Samuel Weber Communion)
    "O Quam Gloriosum" Victoria
    Recessional: For All the Saints (SINE NOMINE)

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Skeleton crew and no (working) organ in the desert.
    Propers: Gaudeamus (GR), The Souls of the Just (LCM), Blessed are the Pure of Heart (LCM)
    Psalm/Alleluia - LCM
    Ordinary: mix of Mass VIII and Missa super Pilons, Pilons l'orge (Lassus)
    Motets: Alleluia (Boyce/Sprinkle), Ave Verum (Byrd)
    Salve Regina (simple tone)
  • jczarn
    Posts: 65
    Holy Days of Obligation that fall during the week are a treat for me, as we get to have our EF Mass at noon in the main chapel vs. the basement chapel (for typical Sundays).

    Propers: from Liber
    Ordinary: Mass IX, Credo III
    Post-Communion: Panis Angelicus (Lambillotte, arr. Hartley for 2 mixed voices and organ)
    Recessional: For All the Saints (SINE NOMINE)
    Thanked by 1CCooze
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St David of Wales, Richmond CA

    This was our first Holy Day with a new schedule of 6:30 weekday Masses following 5:00 exposition. We kept the 6:00 warmup call the same, but a sung Benediction at 6:15 came as a surprise and made it rather challenging to rehearse in the nursery beneath the organ chamber. I'll have to rethink Immaculate Conception...

    Ordinary: De angelis
    For all the Saints
    Guimont responsorial Ps.
    Victoria: O quam gloriosum
    Beati mundo (American Grad.)
    Seek ye first
    Ye watchers and ye holy ones
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    At the Episcopal parish I serve:

    Prelude: O Quanta Qualia … P. Cranmer
    Processional hymn: For all the saints, who from their labors rest  SINE NOMINE
    Gloria (Missa de Sancta Maria Magdelena) … H. Willan
    Sequence hymn: I sing a song of the saints of God GRAND ISLE
    Offertory anthem: I saw a new heaven (Revelations 21, 1-4:)… E. Bainton
    Sanctus (Missa de Sancta Maria Magdelena) … H. Willan
    Agnus Dei (Missa de Sancta Maria Magdelena) … H. Willan
    Communion anthem: ‘Litanei’ op. posth. …F. Schubert (sung in German), Dennis Burke, baritone
    Communion hymn: For the bread which you have broken OMNI DEI
    Voluntary: Blessed Jesus, at thy word BWV 731 … J. S. Bach 
    Postlude: Auferstehn, ja auferstehn ('Arise, arise') op. 79b #7 … M. Reger

    Not a fan of GRAND ISLE, or the hymn text, which while charming is more suited to Vacation Bible School than Holy Mass, but it's one of the few concessions I have to make during the year.

    My next steps at this parish are to get us chanting the Psalm (Anglican), and convincing our Rector that his really lovely voice can be put to good use!
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Visalia District Cemetery (Good Shepherd Catholic Parish) Amphitheatre
    SRO congregation/Pastor in black vesture/deacon attending

    Propers: Simple English Propers/Parish Book of Psalms
    Missa Iubilate Deo (sans Gloria/Credo)
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    St. Luke Palm Springs:
    All Saints Day
    12:00 Novus Ordo in Latin ( only readings and homily in English).
    l'Orgue Mystique Office 48 (Parts 1-4).
    Gregorian propers
    Mass VIII.

    All Souls:Novus Ordo in English and Latin
    Introit:Requiem Aeternam
    Mass XVIII (Kyrie 2)
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 23 (Bartlett)
    PG: Pie Jesu (Faure) with strings and organ
    Comm: Lux Aeterna
    Rec: In Paradisum

    This is such a vast difference from where I was last year at this time. Truly I felt the sense of the days with this music.

  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    All Souls Requiem (OF): Black vestments w/catafalque, no organ except *

    Introit: Requiem aeternam (G.R.)
    Kyrie: pro defunctis, Mass XVIII-B
    Gradual: Eternal rest
    Sequence: Dies irae (L.U.)
    Offertory: O Lord Jesus Christ (SEP)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Agnus: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Lux aeterna (Communio)
    Antiphon: Ave Maria (Cantus Selecti)
    Meditation: Pie Jesu (Faure)*
    Procession to four corners of church with prayer for deceased: Wieczny od poczynek *
    Recessional: Serdeczna Matko *
  • All Souls, St. Mary's, Tampa
    8:00 a.m. Mass w/ families of the faithful departed from our parish in the past year

    Introit: Requiem aeternam
    Kyrie: Gregorian Missa pro defunctis
    Psalm: Psalm 23 (Crandal)
    Alleluia: Mode VI
    During the Intercessions, we did a litany where we chanted the names of all the deceased from the past year. After a group of names we sang the refrain of Steven Janco's "Saints of God"
    Offertory: "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" (Hughes)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, and Pater Noster: Roman Missal chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Lux aeterna + "O Lord, You Died that All Might Live" (changing singular pronouns to plural, a cappella)
    Recessional: In paradisum
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Our Lady of Grace, Maricopa, AZ

    Entrance: "Let all rejoice in the Lord" - Bartlett
    Introit: "Alegremos en el Senor" - Gorbitz
    Offertory: "The Souls of the Just" - Bartlett
    Communion: "Blessed are the Clean of Heart" - Bartlett
    Comm Hymn: "Blessed Feast of Blessed Martyrs"
    Meditation: "Salve Regina" Simple Tone
    Recessional: "For All the Saints"
  • All Souls Day
    7:30pm Mass
    Fr. Neiman D'Souza

    Entrance: Out of the Depths (Ronan)
    Introit: "Requiem Aeternam" (GR)
    Kyrie: Pro Defunctis
    Psalm: "The Lord is my Light and My Salvation" CBW III 118 Michel Guimont Refrain/Tone
    Sequence: Dies Irae
    Offertory: "The Lord is my Shepherd" Fr. Samuel Weber, Gregorian Antiphon
    Communion: "Let Perpetual Light" Fr. Samuel Weber
    Communion Motet: "Sicut Cervus" Palestrina
    Recessional: "In Paradisum"

    First time I had ever sung the Dies Irae, it was extremely powerful and emotional for me.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    St. Paul's Birmingham

    INT: Gaudeamus
    Mass VIII
    OFF: Iustorum Animae (Byrd)
    COM: Beati mundo corde (chant)
    PCOM: And I saw a new heaven (Bainton)
    Closing: SINE NOMINE
    Voluntary: Finale, Symphonie 6 (Widor)
  • Both OF English and EF Latin Masses.
    All Saints-2016.pdf
    All Saints - 2016.pdf
    Thanked by 1Casavant Organist
  • All Saints and All Souls Masses 2016
    Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    All Saints Vigil Mass, Ordinary Form (preceding children's All Hallows Party)
    High Mass Choir
    Ordinary: Missa de Angelis
    Proper; English Chant (Richard Rice)
    Jerusalem, my happy home (Land of Rest)
    I sing a song of the saints (Grand Isle)
    For all the saints (Sine Nomine)

    All Saints Sung Mass, Ordinary Form
    Sacred Heart Academy High School Singers
    Ordinary: Mass in Re (Bevenot)
    Proper: Introit tones
    Motet: Exsultate justi (Banchieri)
    Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Vigiles et sancti)

    All Saints Missa Cantata, Extraordinary Form
    Schola of the Chair of Saint Peter
    High Mass Choir
    Saint Nicholas Choristers
    Ordinary: Mass in A-minor (Casciolini)
    Proper: Graduale Romanum
    Motet: Gaudent in caeli (Dering)
    Motet: O quam gloriosum (Victoria)

    from Te Deum laudamus (Nivers)
    Recit de Cromhorne
    Dialogue a 2 choeurs

    All Souls Sung Mass, Ordinary Form
    Proper: Graduale Romanum, PS AL English Chant (Rice)
    Ordinary: Mass xviii

    All Souls Missa Cantata, Extraordinary Firm
    with absolution at the catafalque
    Schola of the Chair of Saint Peter
    Graduale Romanum
    Thanked by 1melofluent
  • All Saints, St. Sebastian, Akron
    Nothing fancy:
    Pro/recessional: For all the Saints
    Mass XI, Credo I
    Offertory: Perosi: Justorum animae
    Communion: Salutis aeternae autor (chant)
    Traditional All Saints pre-empted our rehearsal time, and people had excuses about work and some ball game that was being played downtown, so I cancelled (no practical time worked) and we had to cover 3 masses of music in an hour and a half. The Perosi was, to put it charitably, rough in its polyphony. But it was some of the best chanting I've every gotten out of them.
  • I played the 6:15 AM earlybird commuter mass...
    Priest walks up to the altar and says "The LORD Be With Both Of You."

    Ba dum, tsssssss!
  • A mere priest said 'Peace be....'.???
  • Sorry, typo.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    I know an otherwise orthodox priest who frequently begins the Mass with "Peace be with you." I am soooo tempted to say something, but I hold my tongue.
  • I know a priest who does the "My peace I give you..." phrase in schprechtstimme. As the Lord's Prayer ends I always think to myself, "wait for it.......wait for it......."

    Sine Nomine is always a highlight of the year for me because we used to play it (ad infinitum) at graduations in college for the entrance procession.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Exsultate justi (Banchieri)
    Daniel, one to check out? I've used the Viadana because it's in Rutter's anthology but never looked into Banchieri's Latin pieces.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I've used the Banchieri "Exultate", too, it's a great piece. It's scored for two voices, SB (originally TB?), and continuo, and is fairly simple but sounds "bigger" than it actually is.
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • Rather than start a new Thread, this was done at Walsingham this evening -

    The XXVIth Sunday after Trinity
    Being the 6 November

    The Very Rev. Chatles A Hough, IV, Rector - Officiant
    Edmund Murray - Cathedral Organist and Choirmaster

    Votive Office of the Dead

    Organ Voluntary - Prelude, Fugue et Variation - - - Cesar Franck

    (Silent Processsion - )

    Introit - Justorum animae - - - Sir Charles Villiers Stanford

    The Psalter -
    Psalm CXXI - Levavi oculos - - - Chant, H Walford Davies
    Psalm CXXXIX - Domine probasti - - - Chant, S S Wesley

    The First Canticle -
    Magnificat - - - Everett Titcomb

    The Second Canticle -
    Nunc dimittis - - - Everett Titcomb

    Closing Hymn - 'Lead, Kindly Light, amid th' encircl'ing gloom' - - - Sandon

    The Office concluded, the following was sung:

    Requiem in D-Minor, Op 48 - - - Gabriel Faure

    Organ Voluntary - Adagio, from Symphony no. Five - - - Charles-Marie Widor


    NOTE -
    1. The office was the first offering of the evening office of the new Divine Worship:The Office. The office of the dead differs from normal evensong through the absence of the opening preces, the replacement 'Glory be...' with 'Rest eternal...' after the psalmody, the absence of the suffrages, and the presence of collects specific to the dead.

    2. Vesture was black.

    3. The closing hymn, 'Lead, Kindly Light' is by Blessed J H Newman.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen