Rep search: Arvo Part
  • Hi all,

    I would *love* to program some Arvo Part during the year, either during Mass or during a concert. My resources are great, singer-wise, but not instrument-wise. So, I'm on the hunt for Arvo Part which is all a cappella, or only minimal organ (i.e. organ part requiring minimal skill).

    I've looked around and haven't been able to find any all a cappella Arvo Part seems he composes always with ensemble as well. The closest I've found yet is his Beatitudes ( which has just minimal organ at the end.

    Suggestions are VERY welcome!!
  • Have you looked at his full repertoire? (ärt)? I'm not in a position to get to my scores right now, but he has a number of works for a capella chorus that are religious in nature. I can give more details when I can get into the office. Certainly the Magnificat and Bogoróditse Djévo come immediately to mind, and a favorite of mine is The Woman with the Alabaster Box.

  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    since arvo wrote minimalistic music, the instrument part shouldn't be a problem.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    The Beatitudes has a spectacular organ coda after the singers finish and there's no conducting to worry about, but if the instrument itself can't crown the piece it's not a good fit. There's really quite a lot for a cappella chorus though, more than I've even been able to keep up with (Have you looked at the UE page?). The most recent I've done are the O Antiphons (SATB div), Bogoroditse (do-able with 4vv), and Nunc (SATB and very undemanding organ acct.)

    [Edit:] I almost forgot the perusal copy pile at my elbow! Tribute to Caesar (Matt. 22:15-22) SATB (all parts divisi); Morning Star ("Christ is the morning Star…", inscription from Durham) (S)SATB(B); I Am the True Vine (Jn 15:1-14) SATB, again with divisi for S & B. If one have 4 singers, the upper and lower pedal points could effectively be taken by a positive organ, I think.
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Sergent, We've done Paert's Psalm 130, De profundis for men's chorus, organ and a percussionist. It is vintage Paert. It is minimalist alright, but surprisingly singable. I re did the work for just ATBarB men and it was even more spacious. (but lost nothing in the translation)
    Thanked by 1sergeantedward