After lurking here for a time and going through the documentation on the gregorio github site, I've finally got everything running smoothly in Windows 10. I opted out of doing the full install of TeX Live, so it was a trying experience to find all of the individual packages that needed to be installed for gregorio to give me any output, but it was all worthwhile. I can now just paste GABC coding into the editor and it spits out some fancy-looking chant :)
I tinkered with the TeX options a bit so the name of the chant would automatically get added in small caps to the title line: This helps save some time when pulling scores from the outstanding GregoBase website.
At my parish, we're currently using some old-school (Xerox) cut and paste jobs to organize the responses, ordinaries, and propers for the choirs each week, so I figured I'd try building the responses/ordinaries pages in Scribus and came up with the attached PDF. As we gradually introduce more Latin to the congregation, I hope to eventually replace all of the English responses.
So now to complicate things... Has anyone had any experience in getting Scribus to pull data from an external source? My goal would be to automate the creation of a propers document similar to how the GABC Transcription Tool can pull a particular set of scores based on the week of the Liturgical Calendar.
I installed gregorio 4.2.0 rc1, ghostScript(64-bit), Scribus 1.4.6 (64-bit), and TeX Live (using the exe installer). I followed the instructions for a minimal TeX Live install, but that ended being TOO minimal (still needed some packages), but thankfully TeX Live Manager has a very intuitive package install system and I was able to get the missing packages installed. The output in the Editor window in Scribus will tell you what packages/files are missing.
Lastly, I had to modify the special XML file for calling gregorio in Scribus (see attached) to point to the x86 install of gregorio since the default settings assume you're installing in Linux. I've attached a zip archive that has the XML file I use. Put the XML file in this directory: C:\Program Files\Scribus 1.4.6\share\editorconfig\ and you should be fine.
I have Scribus 1.4.6, TexWorks, ghostscript and Gregorio on my Windows laptop. I have also used the XML file that BluePhantom kindly provided. Whenever I try to insert a render frame with some chant however, I get the attached message. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
I was having difficulties to get Gregorio work inside Scribus (on Windows 10) and now with the help of BluePhanton I was able to get it all working!
I am using Scribus v1.4.8 (64 bit), Gregorio v5.2.1 and Texlive 2018. Here is what I did to get it working: (This is idiot-proof instruction for people like me :) )
- Install Texlive 2018( I presume that it will also work with texlive 2019) - restart computer - install gregorio v5.2.1 - restart computer - install scribus v1.4.8 64 bit - Put the 900_gregorio.xml from v4.2.1 of Gregorio (I have attached this file which BluePhantom email me) in the directory: C:\Program Files\Scribus 1.4.8\share\editorconfig\ - copy the gregorio.png file from C:\Program Files (x86)\gregorio\contrib to C:\Program Files\Scribus 1.4.8\share\editorconfig\ - In Scribus go to File>Preferences. Then, in the External Tools part, under Render Frames, click on Add and select the file 900_gregorio.xml from the C:\Program Files\Scribus 1.4.8\share\editorconfig\ (Something you might want to do is to make gregorio the first item of the list. To do so, click on Up several times. Click on Apply, then OK.) -Click on the newly created "gregorio" item in the configurations sections and click the "Change Command" button and type textua and click "OK". (please see the attached screenshot for a better understanding. Thanks to BluePhantom for sending me this screenshot as well) - restart scribus - Enjoy using gregorio in Scribus.
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