I am trying to make a booklet that contains both abc and gabc files in order to compare modern and gregorian melodies. Is this technically possible with Lualatex?
I would be very happy with some help, because I think I am a better musician then computer man...
Can you specify what software you are using to process ABC notation files, and what type of output they produce? If you can get the ABC score into PNG or GIF format, it's easy to incorporate that into a LaTeX document file.
At this moment, I am using Lilypond for modern music notation and Gregorio for gregorian chant notation. I have been told that Lilypond and Gregorio are not really compatible. That's why I am trying to look for alterantives, like ABC, hoping that ABC and GABC are compatible.
"I have been told that Lilypond and Gregorio are not really compatible." The one who told you was wrong. Of course you can have both Lilypond and Gregorio scores in the same LaTeX document.
To expand on that: "lilypond-book" involves creating a LaTeX document that invokes one or more Lilypond files; the document can contain other material too, so you may as well invoke the gregoriotex package and gabc scores.
Is someone willing to help me with lyluatex? Again, I am still a novice when it comes to LaTeX and modertate with Lilypond. So, for me, this is pretty new to me and I am curious to learn more about this.
@Optimatus What kind of help would you need? With installation? Or are you already installed and in need of a simple document with a sample gregorio and lilypond score to start playing with? ...
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