“Amoris Laetitia” Has a Ghostwriter. His Name Is Víctor Manuel Fernández
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Startling resemblances between the key passages of the exhortation by Pope Francis and two texts from ten years ago by his main adviser. A double synod for a solution that had already been written

  • Francis,

    It is common for popes to have others make drafts. Is your point that one should not bother reading what His Holiness writes now, since it was written 10 years ago by someone else?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    I have no POINT to make, but only like us to be aware of the inner workings of our current affairs. Some that read this forum may not have a clue.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    It's all politics, Francis. I figured that out a long time ago. LOL.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Yes, it is partly politics and partly an agenda.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    It's not unheard-of that popes draw on theologians for some ideas. There are ideas in some writings of Pope St. John Paul II that appear to come from the late Jean Galot, SJ, a fine theologian who taught at the Gregorian.

    In this new case, I don't think the theologian is quite on that level.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    I posted this quote on another thread yesterday which relates to the subject at hand.

    We are only beginning to measure the extension of the earthquake caused by Amoris Laetitia, which in fact relativizes the entire Moral Magisterium, an essential part -- why not say, the only remaining part -- of the papal Magisterium after Vatican II. From now on, any unequivocal moral stance will be impossible (as well as, obviously, any condemnation).

    Basically, AL is the reintroduction of situational ethics and a reversal of Veritatis Splendor.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    The point is that it is recycled from the now–archbishop’s papers, so one might rightly ask “Just what the (choice curse word here) was the point of the Synod if the document was basically already written?” The exhortation is supposed to reflect the discussion, either continuing it or rejecting it as the case may be.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Yes, MatthewRoth... the Synod was a total ruse.

    More here:

    Family Synods were a hugely expensive Fraud: Essential Passages of Exhortation had already been written 10 years ago

    So The Joy of Love (rather, The Joy of Tucho) is not only subtly, but truly and actually, the Anti-Veritatis Splendor -- and it was merely a papalization of the Relativistic words of Tucho, the great "mind" behind Pope Bergoglio.

  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Gradualism (or more broadly, relativism) has been around for a long time; it was evident in the "Omega" babbling of DeChardin, even though he did his best to disguise it with narrative.

    The culture of "nice" in all its glory./sarcasm
    Thanked by 2francis CharlesW
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    The plot thickens. It is a dark and stormy night...
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Reports floating around the internet say
    Abp Charles Chaput is chairman of a USCCB working group
    that will monitor implementation.

    What previous exhortations from a pope
    have had paragraphs identified for implementation
    and how were the paragraphs implemented?
  • What previous exhortation from a pope needed a monitor for faithful implementation?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    monitor implementation of AL?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    ok thnx Liam
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    the pace quickens


    a small sample

    Reading chapter eight

    And all that was be fore I came to reading chapter eight. I have wondered if the extraordinary prolixity of the first seven chapters was meant to wear us down before we came to this crucial chapter, and catch us off-guard. To me, the entire tenor of chapter eight is problematic, not just n. 304 and footnote 351. As soon as I finished it, I thought to myself: Clear as a bell: Pope Francis wanted some form of the Kasper proposal from the beginning. Here it is. Kasper has won. It all explains Pope Francis’ terse comments at the end of the 2015 Synod, when he censured narrow-minded "pharisees" – evidently those who had frustrated a better outcome according to his agenda. "Pharisees"? The sloppiness of his language! They were the modernists, in a way, of Judaism, the masters of ten thousand nuances – and most pertinently, those who tenaciously upheld the practice of divorce and remarriage. The real analogues of the pharisees in this whole affair are Kasper and his allies.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Those who have gone through the "process" of a wreckovation
    will recognise the "process" here.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    In a sense the ultimate and final blow to the Catholic Faith... no longer just her rails and altars and chants, but now her magesterial truth and dogma are ripped asunder by the one whose main responsibility is to protect it