English Corpus Christi Sequence - Chant Notation - Verses 21-24
  • Frustrated yet again in my attempt to find a chant notation setting of the English sequence (taken from the USCCB readings for the day), I made my own on illuminare. I thought someone else might be interested.

    FYI the closest version floating around on some past threads contained typos and inexplicably left out a whole line of verse 22. As far as I can tell my attached files are the only available version setting the current text with chant notation. Strange.

    Corpus Christi English Sequence - Vs 21-22.pdf
    Corpus Christi English Sequence - Vs 23-24.pdf
  • Addendum - there are some textual variants floating around, particularly of verse 24 and its treatment of know/knowest, show/showest. The rhyme scheme is a bit difficult with this version (I've used the version from the USCCB site). If you'd like to quickly edit it to the way you prefer, here is the gregorio text for verses 23-24:

    user-notes: ;
    commentary: ;
    annotation: ;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    (c3)Ve(e)ry(e) bread,(f) good(e) shep(g)herd,(h) tend(ij) us,(i. ; )
    Je(j)su,(k) of(j) your(i) love(j) be(gf)friend(h) us,(i. ; )
    You(e) re(g)fresh(i) us,(i) you(j) de(h)fend(i) us,(i ; )
    Your(i) e(j)ter(h)nal(f) good(h)ness(g) send(f) us(e. ; )
    In(d) the(f) land(hi) of(e) life(f) to(e) see.(e. :: )

    You(e) who(e) all(f) things(e) can(g) and(h) know,(iji. ; )
    Who(j) on(k) earth(j) such(i) food(j) be(gf)stow,(hi. ; )
    Grant(e) us(g) with(i) your(i) saints,(j) though(h) low(i)est,(i. ; )
    Where(i) the(j) heav’(h)nly(f) feast(h) you(g) show,(fe. ; )
    Fel(d)low(f) heirs(hi) and(e) guests(f) to(e) be.(e. :: ) A(efe)men.(d.e. :: )
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen advocatus
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    Thanks for this - I was looking for it in vain myself.

    I'm wondering about the text underlay at the end of the first lines of verses 21 and 22. The original chant has "angelorum" and "canibius" set to four separate notes; I'm not sure why "food is given" and "types fulfilling" are not set the same way, since the accents in English match the Latin - just as they do in the rest of the chant.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Jared, could you post the first half of the GABC here too? The PDF displays well for me, but prints in landscape format, while the second half prints in portrait layout. Thanks for making this.
  • This sequence appears, complete, in English translation at no. 317 in The English Hymnal. It appears also in Sir Philip Sidney's Plainsong Hymnal which, if one can find a copy, one should obtain. It was published under the aegis of Hymns Ancient and Modern.
  • Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the GABC for the first two verses...

    Rich - that is interesting; I double checked that and you're right. I might change that in the future. The english edition I fixed had that melody, and I should have checked vs. the original chant. Still works either way, but I'm not sure why the english variant was different.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    By the way, if anyone needs the whole shooting match in English, PM me. I have it in Finale, but if you don't mind it in alternation, I can just send you the TIFF outputs.
  • If anyone would like to have the entire sequence in chant notation using the same translation as:
    here is my typesetting handiwork. If you would like to tweak it and want the GABC code, send me an e-mail.
    Corpus Christi Sequence in English.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    Here's what I have - from some years ago. I don't have a Gregorian chant notation program.