Cincinnati-Area Organist/Choir Director (Official Listing this time)
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,003
    St. Thomas More Parish, 800 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45245.
    Four weekend masses, Holyday masses, special liturgies, choir rehearsals, etc.

    Inquires and resumes to Fr. William Wagner, 513-753-2553.

    Archdiocese of Cincinnati Career Opportunities Website

    [Notes: This has been my job for the past 3.5 years. Great and appreciative community (in addition to the vocal supporters, since my leaving has become known a lot of previously silent parishioners have been coming forward to express their gratitude), growing and enthusiastic choirs, fledgling but motivated children's program. Parish used to and receptive to chanted propers and polyphony, in addition to congregational repertoire. Choir rehearsal room, 11 rank pipe organ, choir sings from gallery.

    Did not leave for any grievance, but to pursue a full-time opportunity.]
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