Missa De Angelis GABC
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    I couldn't find a score of Mass XVIII sized right for a worship aid I'm working on (well I found one, with evil icti crowding the whole thing up), so I did quick search and found some gabc code in English, but not Latin. I'm sure its out there somewhere, but I have very little patience with search engines so I just gave up and made this. Figured I'd share it here so it will pop up whenever someone runs the same search.

    The nice thing with Gregorio is that you can adjust the dimensions so easily. Once the text & notes were input, I quickly had the thing sized for the available space on the page.

    user-notes: ;
    commentary: ;
    annotation: V;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 14;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 7;
    %height: 8;
    Glo(h)ri(h)a(f) in(e) ex(d)cel(e)sis(f) De(e.)o(d.) *(::)
    Et(h) in(h) ter(f)ra(e) pax(d) ho(e)mi(f)ni(e)bus.(d.) (;)
    bo(d)nae(e) vol(f)un(h)ta(i.)tis(h.) (::)
    Lau(k)da(jvIH)mus(i.) te(h.) (::)
    Be(k)ne(j)di(i)ci(h)mus(ij) te.(i.h.) (::)
    A(h)do(h)ra(fvED)mus(ef) te.(d.) (::)
    Glo(d)ri(e)fi(f)ca(h)mus(i) te.(h.) (::)
    Gra(h)ti(i)as(j) a(k)gi(j)mus(ij) ti(i.)bi(h.) (;)
    prop(h)ter(h) mag(f)nam(e) glo(d)ri(e)am(f) tu(e.)am(d.) (::)
    Do(h)mi(h)ne(f) De(e)us,(d.) Rex(e) cae(f)les(e.)tis,(d.) (;)
    De(d)us(ef) Pa(h)ter(ih) om(ij)ni(kj)po(ih)tens.(h.) (::)
    Do(h)mi(h)ne(f) Fi(e)li(d) u(e)ni(f)ge(h)ni(i)te(h) (,)
    Je(ij)su(kj) Chri(i.)ste.(h.) (::)
    Do(k)mi(j)ne(i) De(j)us,(ih) Ag(i)nus(j) De(i.)i,(h.) (;)
    Fi(h)li(h)us(fvED) Pa(efe)tris(d.) (::)
    Qui(d) tol(e)lis(f) pec(h)ca(i)ta(h) mun(ij)(kj)di,(i.h.) (;)
    mi(h)se(h)re(fvED)re(ef) no(e.)bis.(d.) (::)
    Qui(k) tol(j)lis(i) pec(h)ca(i)ta(j) mun(i.)di,(h.) (;)
    su(h)sci(h)pe(f.) de(e)pre(d)ca(e)ti(f)o(h)nem(ih) no(ij)(kj)stram.(i.h.) (::)
    Qui(h) se(h)des(f) ad(e) dex(d)te(e)ram(f) Pa(e.)tris,(d.) (;)
    mi(d)se(e)re(f)re(h) no(i.)bis(h.) (::)
    Quo(k)ni(j)am(i) tu(h) so(i)lus(j) sanc(i.)tus.(h.) (::)
    Tu(k) so(j)lus(ih) Do(ij)mi(ih)nus.(h.) (::)
    Tu(h) so(h)lus(f) Al(ed)tis(ef)si(h)mus,(i.h.) (,)
    Je(ij)su(kj) Chri(i.)ste.(h.) (::)
    Cum(h) San(h)cto(fvED) Spi(ef)ri(e)tu,(d.) (;)
    in(d) glo(e)ri(f)a(h) De(i)i(h) Pa(ij)(kj)tris.(i.h.) (::)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Thanked by 2ryand CHGiffen
  • To make it easy for you,
    I promote laziness.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    I promote efficiency. Thanks to you both. :)