Antiphonale Romanum I ?
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    A student asked me about this: Does anyone know when the first volume of this is coming out?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    The "First Volume" of the set is the Liber Hymnarius, or so I'm told.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    No, I think that Vol II is the Sunday and Feast vespers, and Vol I is supposed to have the Lauds.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    The listing for whatever it contains is in the Revised Ordo Cantus Officii, which I'll send scans of if needed.

    As far as I can tell, no one knows that status of publication for any of the remaining Antiphonales. At least we have the information provided by the OCO, and you can find all the antiphons if you know where to look.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 395
    @Salieri Liber Hymnarius is itself volume II. See it's title page.

    There seems to be a beautiful tradition in process of establishment - tradition of starting a multi-volume antiphonal project from scratch and actually publishing only volume 2.
    I guess no Antiphonale Romanum 1 will come out, ever. :-P
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    The Vatican's time scale is closer to God's than to Mankind's. That said, it is Solesmes who have been producing these volumes under the guidance of Dom Daniel Saulnier. Alas Dom Saulnier has left Solesmes, leaving the remaining antiphonale projects in limbo. This includes the remainder of the Antiphonale Romanum set but also Antiphonale Monasticum IV which was supposed to come out in 2010 and is in fact the Nocturnale of the Monastic Office. Not sure how the monks are getting by at the moment, other than using Psalterium Monasticum for ordinary days, which in any event are apparently chanted recto-tono at Solesmes.

    I did hear rumours through a fellow oblate that Solesmes has apparently picked up the projects again, so it may not be as far off as we fear. I regularly check their website for news, so far nothing. For AR, I think the next volume will indeed be Lauds of Sundays and Feasts. How they will number it is anyone's guess. IT may be "I", since Lauds usually precedes Vespers... except on Sundays and feasts where Lauds comes after FIRST Vespers (and in fact that's how the hymns are ordered in Liber Hymnarius). So it may indeed be volume III. The monks work in mysterious ways...

    Thanked by 2Vilyanor jchthys
  • wjcb112
    Posts: 20
    I see that the Antiphonale Romanum 1 was published about a week ago, and is available from Solesmes bookshop, or the usual online booksellers. As widely predicted it is Lauds of Sundays and Feasts.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    My copy has arrived, so they are shipping.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Still waiting for mine.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 486
    I'm also still waiting. I ordered mine about 7 weeks ago, and am desperately hoping it hasn't been lost in the mail.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Same here.
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    I got my copy recently as well, and have started to use it as Les Heures Grégoriennes does not 100% follow the Ordo Cantus Officii for Sundays with proper antiphons, feasts and solemnities.

  • GerardH
    Posts: 486
    My copy has finally arrived, after 8 weeks. The French postal service must be in shambles, since my previous orders have all arrived much more promptly
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I’m still waiting on mine. ☹️

    Edit: finally arrived!
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    So it seems the tone for the Intercessions is different than that in AR II.