Evangelia Cantata: the gospels notated for singing
Proper propers on the Sixth Sunday of Easter
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    I am in a diocese that transfers Ascension to the 7th Sunday of Easter. This year we will be using the option in the Ordo of using the 2nd reading and Gospel of the 7th Sunday on the 6th Sunday. Is is preferable and permissable to do the communion proper of the 7th Sunday on the 6th since it is based on the Gospel that will now be read on the 6th Sunday? Since the 1st reading and psalm are of the 6th Sunday, should the introit stay with that of the 6th Sunday?

    To further add complication, we typically sing the Sunday communion proper at each M-F daily Mass following the Sunday. This year, would I have the 7th Sundays communion proper sung at daily Masses held during the 6th week? Lastly, what communion proper would be sung for daily Masses in the days following Ascension Sunday? My understanding was when a feast was transferred to Sunday, the following daily Masses would still use the propers from the Sunday that was skipped. For example the days following Trinity Sunday or Corpus Christi would use those of the Sunday in OT that was skipped.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,488
    Sing the proper for the sixth and seven th Sundays on the ferial days.

  • rarty
    Posts: 96
    From the Ordo Cantus Missae:
    Chants closely related to the readings should, of course, be appropriately transferred for use with these readings.

    For pastoral reasons also there is an option regarding the chants for the Proper of Seasons: namely, as circumstances suggest, to replace the text proper to a day
    with another text belonging to the same season.

    I think it makes sense to not overthink it and simply continue to use the chant you sing on Sunday through the week.

    But for completeness sake, insofar as I can accurately decipher the layers of tables given in the OCM, when Ascension is transferred to Sunday, it gives the proper Communion chants (Sun-Fri) as:

    Sixth Sunday (C): Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos
    (or from Seventh Sunday: Pater, cum essem cum eis)

    Monday and Wednesday: Spiritus qui a Patre procedit
    Tuesday: Dum venerit Paraclitus
    Thursday: Modicum
    Friday: Non vos reliquam

    Sunday/Ascension (C): Psallite Domino

    Monday: Pater cum essem cum eis
    Tuesday: Non vos relinquam
    Wednesday: Pater, cum essem cum eis
    Thursday: Spiritus qui a Patre procedit
    Friday: Simon Ioannis
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen