Baptism of Our Lord in NOH
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Hi all… sorry for burdening the forums here with such a narrow request for help here, but:

    I'm looking for the organ accompaniment music in the Nova Organi Harmonia for three of the chants for the Baptism of Our Lord. Once again, I'm having new calendar-old calendar problems. Anyone know where I can find the Introit "Dilexisti," the Offertory "Benedictus qui venit," and/or the Communion, "Omnes qui in Christo baptizati estis" — or know how I can successfully search for it myself? Many thanks for any help you can offer.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hello, Mark M.

    Dilexisti = I Mass of a Virgin not a martyr

    Benedictus qui venit Offertory = Saturday in Easter Week

    Omnes Qui in Christo = Saturday in Easter Week

    N.B. The way to do this is look at the index of the Liber Usualis that Jeff Tucker has made available online. Then, search the NOH.

    Does this make sense?

    Happy hunting!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    Can you give us a step by step example of how to do this search with, say, the first item above? I have been having the same issue.

  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Sure: but first, do you have a copy of the Liber Usualis in front of you?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    yes. i have both a printed copy and digital download from cmaa. i intend to print out the entire GR and the entire NOH in the weeks to come.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    OK, what you do is, you look up the chant in question up in the back of the Liber Usualis. If it is not in the LU, check the Graduale. The indices of LU and Graduale sort chants by TYPE which is nice. Then, when you find it in the index, turn to it and notice which feast it falls on in the old calendar.

    Then, you should be able to find that feast by using the index of the NOH.

    Best wishes!