Choral Genesis 2:18-25
  • Any choral music based upon passages from Genesis 2:18-25? How does one go about finding that sort of thing (e.g. on CPDL)?

    I admit that the spur for this request came from this post at ChoralNet, though I don't have posting rights there, so don't worry that I will actually post it there.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 395
    See responsories for the Septuagesima Sunday in the Nocturnale Romanum, pg. 275.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 395
    Oh, I'm sorry. First I didn't understand well what "choral" means in English. The mentioned responsories are of course chant, not choral music.
  • It's a start! Thank you!

    Edit: Of course, it seems that I might have difficulty searching the Nocturnale Romanum. It's a new book for me! Researching it, a familiar face came up from posts here three years ago :) What exactly is its function?
  • Matins, EF.
  • CGM
    Posts: 710
    Non est bonum is a wonderful piece by Hieronymous Praetorius for SSATB that sets Genesis 2:18 (the first line of your requested text).

    Score here (in an edition I engraved);
    recording here (by an ensemble I conducted).
  • CGM
    Posts: 710
    There's a wonderful piece by Hieronymous Praetorius entitled Non est bonum, which sets just the text of Genesis 2:18.

    Have a listen here, and download the score here.