God wills to manifest his goodness in men: in respect to those whom he predestines, by means of his mercy, in sparing them; and in respect of others, whom he reprobates, by means of his justice, in punishing them. This is the reason why God elects some and rejects others…. Yet why he chooses some for glory and reprobates others has no reason except the divine will. Hence Augustine says, ‘Why he draws one, and another he draws not, seek not to judge, if thou dost not wish to err.' (ST I.23.5 ad 3)
...always visit the sick, infirm, or hospitalised; something that Catholic priests are not typically concerned to do
bhcordova: I don't see what use calling the chancery would be. I can guarantee thay would never have heard of the hymnal.
Really, this criticism of the 1940 is beneath all of us.
With due and genuine respect -
It seems to me that you are bending over backwards and with relish, even, to discredit any expression of Truth that wasn't actually penned by a practicing Catholic
This is rather deeply troubling to me, on more than one level.Why this hymn is in there has always been beyond me - I (happily) never heard anyone, high-church or low, sing it. While there is really nothing at all wrong with the sentiments it expresses there is just something off-putting about it. And, it's the sort of 'spiritual song' that should never be sung at mass.
We have a sister parish in Kentucky, and the pastor of that parish visits us a few times a year. During one of his guest homilies, he told us that there are still parishes in the south where "segregated" masses are not uncommon. (Not enforced, of course, but by "mutual understanding")
Might it be possible that such songs were put in the hymnal for "those masses"?
This EF parish needs a hymnal because ___ .
This EF parish needs this hymnal because ___ .
2. I guess we don't need it, however, it was in the running because I can get it for the cost of shipping alone, and we are a parish with limited means, and little support from the Chancery.
We still sing full Gregorian propers, and even have a daily Missa Cantata
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